I blogged about the scientific sessions at the Fucino15 meeting last week, here’s my report about the pre- and post-meeting field trips. The pre-meeting field trip was held in Rome, where we explored the archaeological and historical evidence for earthquake damage in the Eternal City. After the conference we followed the traces of the 1915 Fucino earthquake and then finally visited L’Aquila. This blog covers Rome and the geological field trips, a special on L’Aquila will follow later. more
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This was the Fucino15 meeting – part II
2015-05-03 | in Italy 2015 -
Fucino2015 conference – Program out now!
2015-04-07 | in Italy 2015, MeetingThe most important paleoseismology event of the year is just a few days ahead and we’re all excited to meet in sunny Italy. The 6th INQUA International Workshop on Active Tectonics Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology will be held from 19-24 April 2015 in Pescina, Fucino Basin, Italy. The meeting will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the devastating 1915 Fucino earthquake. Make sure to check the final program which is now available for download at the meeting website: download here (PDF, 9 mb).
Session on sedimentary records in coastal environments for Nat Haz Assessment at the Sedimentology Meeting in Krakow
2015-02-17 | in MeetingThe 31st International Association of Sedimentologists Meeting of Sedimentology will be held in Krakow, Poland from 22 – 25 June, 2015.
The session “Application of sedimentary records in coastal environments for natural hazard assessment” aims on gathering contributions that document the application of sedimentary records of coastal changes (sea level changes) and disasters (storms, tsunamis) into coastal hazard assessment, as well as to present studies focusing on reconstructions of extreme coastal events in the past.
2nd Circular out now for the Colloquium on Historical EQs and Intraplate Tectonics in Strasbourg, May 2015
2015-02-12 | in MeetingThe Colloquium on “Historical Earthquakes of the Rhine Graben and Interplate – Intraplate Continental Deformation: From archives to comparative seismotectonics” will be held from 11-13 May 2015 in Strasbourg (Inst. de Physique du Globe). The second circular is out now with more details on the programme, download the PDF here.
Deadline for abstracts is 27 March 2015. -
Paleoseismology at the 26th IUGG in Prague
2015-01-20 | in MeetingThe 26th IUGG meeting will be held in Prague from 22 June – 2 July, 2015. Deadline for abstracts is 31 January, early bird registration ends 10 April.
The IUGG-IASPEI symposium 8b – Lithospheric Stress and Strain: Observations and Modeling invites contributions in the field of paleoseismology (and other disciplines). The symposium is chaired by Oliver Heidbach, Marco Bohnhoff and Kevin Furlong. more
Upcoming deadlines for INQUA2015 and Fucino2015
2015-01-06 | in Italy 2015, Meeting, PATA daysJanuary seems to be the month of deadlines. Abstracts for the EGU2015 must be submitted until 7 January and there are two more deadlines that paleoseismicity.org readers should consider: more
Hokudan 2015 International Symposium on Active Faulting,12-17 January
Session at SSA meeting in Pasadena: How reliable are reconstructions and models of surface-rupturing earthquakes?
2014-12-15 | in MeetingThe SSA 2015 meeting will take place in Pasadena, CA, from 21-23 April. As always, there will be plenty of interesting things for paleoseismologists. Scott Bennett asked me to advertise the following session that deals with a topic most of us will find highly important:
How Reliable Are Reconstructions and Models of Surface-Rupturing Earthquakes?
Abstract deadline is 9 January, 2015. more
What’s up? The Friday links (61)
2014-12-05 | in The Friday Links | one responseQuite a lot happened this week. We have news on the world’s most abundant mineral, Nature going open access, a new blog on geomorphology, and more! So, Welcome back! Today is Friday and here are your links!
Workshop of the SARA Project (South America Risk Assessment) on “Inventory of Hazardous Structures of South America” & Workshop of the 1311 INQUA project. Santiago, CHILE, 17-20 November, 2014
2014-12-03 | in MeetingThe gathering of the South American Neotectonic Group took place at the Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago as a departure point of the scheduled activities of the “Inventory of Hazardous Structures of South America” project, a topic layer of the South America Risk Assessment (SARA) effort (see previous post at here). This convocation also hosted a meeting of the INQUA SAm-GeoQuat IFG and the 1311 Project.