Still looking for a cool conference to attend this summer? Why not travel to Kyrgyzstan for the 17th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction from 19-23 August 2019, organized by our friend Hans-Balder Havenith with Liège University, the Kyrgyz Institute of Seismology and Institute of Geomechanics and Mining, and the International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction (ICGdR)? more
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The 17th International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction
2019-04-25 | in Events -
Conference “30 years after Spitak Earthquake: Experience and Perspectives”, 3-7 Dec, 2018, Yerevan
2018-03-08 | in Earthquake, MeetingThe 1988 Spitak Earthquake with a magnitude of MS6.8 took the life of thousands of people and caused widespread devastation in Armenia. It also ruptured the surface and is one of the best-studied seismic events in the entire Caucasus region. 30 years after the catastrophe, an conference will be held in Yerevan, Armenia, from 3-7 December: “30 years after Spitak Earthquake: Experience and Perspectives“. The meeting will also include a field trip to the epicentral area. Full conference fee is USD 200. Download the flyer here (pdf, 655 KB). The form for the expression of interest is here (docx, 19 KB). more
International workshop in Patras, Greece (13 June 2018): 10 years after the 2008 Movri Mtn Earthquake
2018-01-26 | in Meeting | one response2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the Movri Mtn Earthquake in Greece. A workshop will be held in Patras on the 13 June, 2018, with a field trip to the Movri Mtn epicentral area (geology, geomorphology, geodesy, earthquake effects). The trip is organised by the Department of Geology, University of Patras, Greece, in conjunction with the Tectonics Committee of the Geological Society of Greece. more
3rd IGCP 639 meeting, 16-23 September, 2018 – Sea Level Change from Minutes to Millennia
2018-01-16 | in MeetingThe 3rd annual IGCP 639 meeting will take place from 16-23 September, 2018, in Italy. IGCP project 639 deals with Sea Level Change from Minutes to Millennia. The meeting will cover all IGCP related science such as sea level, climate change, tectonics, earthquakes, tsunami, and coastal inundation.
It’s a joint meeting with INQUA project CMP1701P “Late Quaternary record of coastal inundation due to earth surface deformation, tsunami and storms”, CMP1601P “HOLSEA” and CMP1603P “MOPP-MEDFLOOD”. Two days of scientific sessions at Taranto University will be followed by a four-day field trip to Catania. more -
Special Issue in QI – Quaternary Earthquakes: Geology & Palaeoseismology for Seismic Hazard Assessment
2017-09-05 | in Italy 2015, Meeting, Paper, PATA daysDear friends and colleagues,
We are happy to announce that our Special Issue from the 2015 PATA Days in Fucino is finally published in Quaternary International. This wonderful workshop commemorated the centenary of the 1915 Fucino Earthquake, and
we have seen some great active faults in the Central Apennines
and palaeoseismological research sites during the field trips. The meeting was organized by ISPRA, INGV and University of Insubria and promoted by INQUA TERPRO. more -
Report on the Camerino 2017 INQUA Field Trip to the Central Apennine fault system
2017-09-04 | in Earthquake, Field work, MeetingReport on the International Field Trip “From 1997 to 2016: three destructive earthquakes along the Central Apennine fault system”, 19th-22nd July 2017, Italy
Website: ( including program and abstracts, field trip guidebook and list of participants)
Authors: Chiara Frigerio1, Alessandro Maria Michetti1, Francesca Ferrario1, Franz Livio1, Emanuele Tondi2
1Università dell’Insubria, Dipartimento di Scienza ed Alta Tecnologia, Como, Italia
2Università di Camerino, Sezione di Geologia, Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie, Italia more
PATA Days 2017: Registration is now open
2017-05-22 | in New Zealand 2017, PATA daysThe registration for the 2017 PATA Days INQUA meeting (International meeting on Paleoseismology, Archaeoseismology & Active Tectonics) in New Zealand is now open. Safe the dates 13th – 16th November 2017 and make sure to check out the wonderful field trip options.
Registration website:
See you all in New Zealand in November!
PATA Days 2017 in New Zealand: Field trip programme out now!
2017-05-10 | in PATA daysThe organisers of the PATA Days 2017 in New Zealand have provided details on the planned field trips. There will be a 1-day field trip at the start of meeting, and an optional 3-day post-meeting field trip. Some of the field trip details are not yet finalised because we don’t know the state of road access to some areas impacted by the Kaikoura earthquake. They will post a final itinerary in early November. Have a look at the programme and enjoy the magnificient field photos!
The Great Wenchuan Earthquake eight years on: earthquake damage and coseismic landslides
2017-03-24 | in Uncategorized | 2 responsesLast October I was given the chance to attend the “iRALL school on field data collection, monitoring, and modeling of large landslides” in Chengdu, China. During the school, we spent one week in the epicentral area of the Ms=8.0 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, where I was able to take some interesting pictures of earthquake damage and coseismic landslides. Then other things happened, like the earthquakes in Italy and New Zealand, with exciting sights from the field shared here, and I never ended up sharing my Wenchuan pics, which I want to do now. more
5th Regional Meeting on Quaternary Geology dedicated to Geohazards, Croatia
Our colleague Petra Jamšek Rupnik from the Geological Survey of Slovenia sent us this interesting meeting announcement. The conference will focus on geological hazards, including active tectonics in Croatia and adjacent areas. Plus, there will be an interesting field trip to Croatia and Slovenia: