The 2024 PATA Days took place from 6-11 October in Los Andes, Chile. This was the 11th meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology. The conference proceedings with all the 4-page abstracts in now available online and for download at
Many thanks to the organisers for a successful conference and for the unforgettable field trips!
PATA Days are usually organised in the framework of INQUA’s TERPRO Commission.
To learn more about the past and the future of PATA Days, and to download all past abstract volumes and field trip guides, see
The 2025 Hokudan International Symposium on Active Faulting will be held online from 23-25 January, 2025. Abstracts are due December 25th, deadline for registration is January 15th. Please visit the meeting website for the circular and further information: The main theme will be “Active fault research for better preparedness for earthquakes”. Another session will commemorate the eminent researchers who contributed a lot for the past Hokudan meetings and who passed away since the 2020 meeting.
Tejpal Singh and his colleagues are organizing a workshop on Observing Ground Deformation From Space And In The Field. It will take place from 16-19 December, 2024, in Chandigarh at the foot of the Himalayas. Here’s the details:
These are the latest papers that I came across last month. This time we have a number of studies on strong historical earthquakes and their geological (and archaeological) record, classical paleoseismology that sometimes worked, sometimes not, tectonic landscapes, and much more. Enjoy reading!
The first Environmental Hazards in Asia Conference will take place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from 12-15 August with a field trip from 16-20 August. This conference aims to bring together practitioners of both with a focus on the hazards across Asia. The workshop will be structured to allow exploration of the underlying physical mechanics of hazards, explore the impacts of historical events across the continent and focus on the possible approaches to minimizing future impacts. The aim is to facilitate new ideas and proposals. Funds to support travel and subsistence to up to 20 participants from across Asia are available.
May 15th – Abstract submission deadline
June 1st – Fieldtrip registration deadline
July 12th – Online registration deadline
Meeting website:
The PATA Days are the meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology, organised within the framework of INQUA‘s TERPRO commission. The official website has been launched, containing all infos on the programme, field trips, grant applications, the venue, the abstract template, and the deadlines. Check it out:
Abstract submission will open 4 March and the deadline for the 4-page abstracts is 29 March. No short abstracts this time.
See you all in Chile in October!
Dear Colleagues,
We are aiming to organize a special issue titled: Earthquakes and active tectonics in regions of slow lithospheric deformation: towards a re-evaluation of Stable Continental Regions (SCRs). This special issue will complement a session on Intraplate Tectonics and Seismicity at the 37th International Geological Congress to be held in Busan, Korea in September 2024. The abstract for the IGC session is below, followed by our solicitation for contributions to the special issue. If you are interested in submitting an article to the special issue, please let us know a tentative title your list of authors by the 15th of December 2023.
We hope that you will join us in Busan and consider submitting your intraplate research to our special issue.
The editors: Klaus Reicherter, Beau Whitney, Sambit Naik, Pierre Arroucau, Christoph Grützner, Stéphane Baize, Jim McCalpin
The 12th international PATA Days will be held in Los Andes, Chile, 6-11 October, 2024. PATA stands for Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, Archaeoseismology and it is the main activity of the paleoseismology community within INQUA’s TERPRO commission.
The 2022 PATA Days were held in Provence, France, from 25 – 30 September. Traditionally, we publish 4-page extended abstracts. The full volume containing 58 contributions is now available for download here:
You can cite it as:
Baize, S., & Rizza, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International INQUA Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology (“PATA Days”) 25 – 30 September 2022, Aix-En-Provence, FRANCE.
Make sure to also check out all the volumes & field trip guides from previous meetings at
INQUA TERPRO‘s project Lemon will run a winter school on “Active Tectonics And Climate Change Driven Landscape Evolution” from 16-19 January, 2023, in Palermo, Sicily.
- During the 16th and 17th of January, there will be talks by young and experienced researchers. Attendants are invited to share research and gather helpful tips and new collaborations through Pico-Talks (a 5-minute speech followed by an interactive Q&A session).
- During two days of fieldwork, experienced researchers will show crucial locations in western Sicily (the 18thand 19th of January).
To date, scheduled field trips are:
- Relative sea-level changes evidence in the Vito Peninsula (led by Fabrizio Antonioli);
- Active tectonics and its interaction with sea level changes in South Western Sicily (led by Luigi Ferranti & Pierfrancesco Burrato);
- Archaeo-seismological evidence of historical earthquakes within the Archaeological Park of Segesta (led by Carla Bottari).
Please follow the link for detailed information on the Winter School: