The new issue of Seismological Research Letters has been published now and it contains a lot of articles for those liking old earthquakes. Some topics might sound familiar to you when you attended the PATA days conference as the authors presented parts of their work.
I have selected a few papers that are especially interesting to the paleoseismology community. They are about the use of Google StreetView for assessing macroseismic damage (Hinzen, 2013), archeoseismology in the Levant (Alfonsi et al. 2013), Earthquake rotated objects caused by the Emilia Romana earthquake – a fascinating EAE! (Cucci and Tertoulliani, 2013), a strong historical earthquake in Italy that likely did not happen at all (Camassi and Castelli, 2013) and new data on historical earthquakes in the Himalayan (Rajendran et al, 2013). Also, I added a paper on archaeoseismological investigations in northern Sicily that was published recently in Quaternary International (Bottari et al, 2013). Spend the rainy autumn evenings with a good read!
Dear colleagues and friends,
thank you very much for making the PATA Days 2013 such a great event! I hope you all had a safe trip back home or some more nice days with better weather. The abstract volume of the PATA Days is now available online. Currently, you can only download the entire volume, we will upload the single files into a sub-directory later.
Abstract volume Pata Days 2013: download more
Dear friends and colleagues,
it’s only few days to go until the PATA Days conference will start with the icebreaker party at the Kuckucksnest in Aachen! We have more than 100 registered participants and we are looking forward an exciting meeting. If you attend the first two days 9-10 October, don’t forget to book a hotel in Aachen on your own, it’s time now.
You don’t have a hotel yet? Check out this pdf: Hotels and Travel.
The INQUA Early Career Researcher inter-congress meeting will take place from 2 – 6 December, 2013 at Wollongong University, Australia. The meeting will bring together young earth scientists with a research focus on the Quaternary, from grad students to PostDocs. Thematic workshops on scientific writing and Quaternary science will be held and you’ll have the chance to discuss with colleagues fromn all over the world. The application deadline for travel support is 15 September, abstract submission and registration should be made before 1 October. There will be a Special Issue in INQUA’s journal Quaternary International in support of this meeting. This is a unique chance for ECRs, so spread the word and submit articles! more
Dear colleagues,
the 4th International INQUA meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA days) will take place from 9 – 15 October, 2013 in Aachen, Germany. Deadline for registration and abstract submission is (4 pages extended abstracts) 15 July 2013.
We invite you to register and submit extended abstracts to the following sessions: more
Last year the 3rd INQUA – IGCP567 Workshop on Paleoseismology, Archeoseismology and Active Tectonics took place in November in Morelia, Mexico. It was a great meeting and I have already posted a lot of photos here, here, here, here, and here. Now I have found the time to look at the video clips that I made. I’ve prepared a short movie with the highlights of the conference. You see, you must not miss the upcoming conference in Aachen… more
Dear friends and colleagues,
the registration for the PATA-Days is now online at We used the acronym now to avoid the long title (4th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, 9-15 October, Aachen, Germany) and to do a favour to our Spanish friends…
Please find all information at the new website, including the abstract template.
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is 15 July.
Dear friends and colleagues,
in 2013 we will organize the 4th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology in Western Germany. The online registration will open soon at and additional information will follow during the next days.
Date: 9-14 October 2013
Location: Aachen, Germany
Dear colleagues,
please consider submitting abstracts to the following session to be held at the IAEG XII Congress in Torino, 15-19 September 2014:
- Off-fault coseismic surface effects and their impact in urban areas
- Surface fault-rupture hazard in urban areas
The deadline for the EGU 2013 meeting is approaching, so if you want to submit an abstract or if you plan to apply for a grant, now is the time. I would like to draw your attention to the following sessions again, which are the closest to earthquake geology, I think. Deadlines are November 30 for Support Applications and January 9 for receipt of Abstracts. more