The 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES) will take place from 24-29 August, 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. The meeting is a a joint event of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) and the European Seismological Commission (ESC). There will be a session on Paleoseismology: more
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2ECEES Session Palaeoseismology – 24-29 August, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
2014-03-31 | in Meeting -
First circular of the Iberfault 2014 meeting
2014-03-28 | in MeetingThe 2nd Ibefault meeting will take place in Lorca, Spain from 22-24 October, 2014. Now the first circular was published, download it here in English: Iberfault_C1_eng (PDF, 1.8 MB); in Spanish: Iberfault_C1_esp; or in Portuguese: Iberfault_C1_por.
For more info on the meeting and registration visit the official website. Deadline for abstract submission is 1 June, 2014. Early bird registration is open until 31 July, 2014.
The registration form is available here in English: Registration_form_eng (PDF, 74 kb) or Spanish: Inscripcion_IBF14.
3 sessions on paleoseismology and earthquake-triggered mass movements at 19th Int’l Sedimentological Congress
2014-03-27 | in MeetingThe 19th International Sedimentological Congress from 18 to 22 August 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland will see three sessions related to subaquatic paleoseismology and earthquake-triggered landslides and turbidites.
- S1: Subaquatic paleoseismology: records of large Holocene earthquakes in marine and lacustrine sediments
- S5: Sedimentology of extreme events
- S7: Turbidity current, subaqueous mass flow and mass movement processes – recent insights and future research directions
More sessions on tectonics will be held as well. Deadline for abstract submission and travel grant application is 30 April 2014. more
Interdisciplinary meeting on climate change and seismic hazards during the Holocene in the Med
2014-03-26 | in MeetingAn interdisciplinary meeting on climate change and seismic hazards during the Holocene in the Mediterranean will be held in Aix en Provence on July 7 and 8, 2014. The colloquium is organized by and will take place at CEREGE with 4 half days dedicated to specific areas of the Mediterranean region (SW-Mediterranean; Aegean-Turkey; Levant-Middle East; NW-NE Africa).
Contributions are welcome (poster or oral). Abstracts might be send to or by April 14, 2014. Please find more info here (pdf). more
Special session on Tectonic Geomorphology at 8th International Symposium of Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 13-17 Oct., 2014, Muğla, Turkey
A special session on Tectonic Geomorphology will be held at the 8th International Symposium of Eastern Mediterranean Geology from 13-17 October, 2014, in Muğla, Turkey. The session “Tectonic geomorphology: coupling between crustal deformation and landscape evolution in the Eastern Mediterranean” will be chaired by Sarah Boulton, Mustapha Meghraoui, and M. Cihat Alçiçek. Abstract submission is possible until 15 May. more
Registration now open for 5th PATA Days in Busan, Korea, 21-27 September 2014
2014-03-12 | in Busan 2014, Events, Meeting, PATA daysDear friends and colleagues,
The 5th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA Days) will take place in Busan, Korea from 21-27 September 2014. The official website is now online! Check the dates and register now! more
Special Issue in Annals of Geophysics – Earthquake geology: science, society and critical facilities (open access)
2014-02-21 | in Corinth 2011, PaperThe latest issue of Annals of Geophysics is devoted to Earthquake geology: science, society and critical facilities. Vol 56 (6) is a Special Volume, and I am proud to say it’s our volume! Finally, 14 papers are included in this issue, most of them authored by early career researchers (ECRs). The papers are based on work presented at the 2nd INQUA meeting on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering in Corinth, Greece, 2011. The issue was edited by Christoph Grützner, Salvatore Barba, Ioannis Papanikolaou and Raul Pérez-López and all papers are open access! more
The Iberfault 2014 meeting – 2nd Iberian meeting on Active Faults and Paleoseismology, 22-24 October, Lorca, Spain
2014-01-22 | in MeetingAfter the 1st Iberfault meeting in 2010, the 2nd meeting will take place in Lorca, Spain from 22-24 October, 2014. Any research on active tectonics and paleoseismology in Iberia is welcome, a special focus will be set on the QUAFI database. The conference will be organized by José Martinez Díaz (UCM), Eulàlia Masana (UB) and Miguel A. Rodríguez (IGME). Lorca became famous in 2011 when a shallow MW5.1 earthquake killed 9 people and caused severe damages in the city (there is an ongoing discussion whether or not groundwater lowering for irrigation during the last decades has caused, triggered, or influenced the quake).
Paleoseismology sessions at SSA 2014
2013-12-27 | in MeetingThe Annual Meeting of the SSA 2014 will be held in Anchorage from 30 April – 2 May. Of course this will be all about earthquake science, but make sure to check out these sessions with special relevance for paleoseismology: more
An informal meeting/workshop on paleoseismology of NW Europe in Utrecht, 9 January 2014
2013-12-02 | in MeetingPaleoseismologists from northern Central Europe are meeting regularly for discussions, usually twice a year, and the next small workshop will take place in Utrecht on 9 January, 2014. The one-day meeting is dedicated to present latest results of ongoing research on active faults in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany (intraplate seismicity). Participants from the Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia, the VU Amsterdam, TuDelft, ULG Liége, the Royal Observatory of Belgium, TNO-GDN Utrecht and RWTH Aachen University will discuss the possibilities of joint projects and collect ideas on how to proceed with ongoing studies.