TERPRO’s project EDITH (From Earthquake Deformation to SHA) is organizing its meeting for the 13th -16th November 2023 in Israel.
Please visit this website for further information, registration and abstract submission: The abstract submission deadline is Sept. 30th 2023. Hurry up and register! 😉 presently there are still many seats available, but there is room for 50 people only.
The organizers are waiting for your contribution for one of the 5 scheduled scientific sessions. See the detailed program here
This month’s paper list has an usually large number of studies on active tectonics of the Balkans and southern Europe. Is this a sampling bias? Perhaps. Don’t hesitate to send recommendations if you publish something cool that you’d like to see included. Enjoy reading!
I’m a bit late this month, so the list is a bit longer. This time we have lots of coastal and offshore studies, even a seafloor earthquake rupture! Enjoy reading.
At the wonderful Inqua meeting in Rome I saw plenty of presentations and posters with trench pictures. After the first edition in 2022, it’s time to look for the trenchiest trench pictures of 2023. Here’s what you need to do:
Take a break from your too-serious-work
Open the folder with all the field photos
Choose the best/funniest/strangest ones
Post them on Twitter and tag @GingerFault or send me an email since the bird app is quickly agonizing.
This year categories include “trench with a view”, “the devil is in detail”, “holy cow!”, “trench mindfulness” plus other random stuff which I cannot reveal right now since I still have to figure them out.
For many geologists the field season is up ahead or has already started, but perhaps you will find some time to read through the latest literature? Or you can use the winter season in the southern hemisphere to enjoy a good read? It would be a pity to miss some of these really interesting studies. Enjoy!
INQUA TERPRO’s project TPPT had decided to not organise PATA Days in the years with an INQUA congress, but instead to run a much smaller summer school for ECRs and DCRs. The summer school on Active Faults and Volcano-Tectonics will be held from 25-28 September in Naples (Italy). The event will be hosted by DiSTAR (Department of Earth Sciences, Enviroment and Resources , University of Naples «Federico II»).
The first two days will include lectures by researchers who will present state of the art studies on active faults. The second part includes two field trips in areas crucial for understanding active faults and the interplay between tectonics and volcanic activity. Download the circular (PDF) here.
This month’s list of papers includes the first few studies on the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye in February, 2023. Apart from that, we also have important work in archaeoseismology and great studies from New Zealand, an interesting shallow earthquake in the Tarim Basin, updates on surface displacement hazard and strain rate estimations, and papers on the Med and East Africa. Enjoy reading!
A new paper has been recently published in Quaternary International, summarizing the “New developments in onshore paleoseismic methods, and their impact on Quaternary tectonic studies”.
The paper is the result of a cooperative effort (12 authors from 6 different countries and 3 continents) led by Jim McCalpin. Sorry for the paywall, feel free to contact me or the other authors – we will be more than happy to share our work!