Posts in the category »   «  ( 41 Posts )

  • PATA Days 2019 in Israel cancelled

    The 10th PATA Days, which were planned for September 2019 in Israel, have to be cancelled. The next regular PATA meeting will therefore be held in Chile 2020. This is the bad news. The good news is that there will be a student summer school organized by the IFG EGSHaz from 24-27 September, 2019, in Prague (Czech Republic). Petra Štěpančíková and her team are currently working on the schedule. The summer school will mainly address students and PhD students interested in earthquake geology, paleoseismology, and tectonic geomorphology. We will likely have two days of lectures & exercises and two days of field trips. More information will be available soon, so stay tuned.

    Please make sure to consider attending the INQUA Congress in Dublin (25-31 July, 2019). There will be three sessions organized by our IFG:

    • Earthquake Geology and Seismic Hazards: from earthquake mapping of historical and prehistoric earthquakes to paleoseismology (Ioannis Papanikolaou, Stéphane Baize, Christoph Grützner)
    • Paleoseismology of plate interiors under Pleistocene climate changes (Klaus Reicherter, Petra Štěpančíková, Małgorzata Pisarska-Jamroży)
    • Development of soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) and differences between non-seismic and seismic structures (Małgorzata
      (Gosia) Pisarska-Jamroży, A.J. Tom van Loon, Barbara Woronko, Andreas Börner)

    Also, this session could be of interest:

    • Subduction zone palaeoseismology (Emma Hocking, Ed Garrett, Jasper Moernaut)

    See you in Dublin and Prague!
    Ioannis, Petra, Christoph


  • 9th PATA Days

    This is 9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology and its associated Summer School on Active Tectonics. The events are organized in northern Greece, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the deadly 1978 Thessaloniki earthquake. Dates and venues are:

    You may register for any event, or even all of them. Registration costs cover attendance, the proceedings volume, conference material, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners, as well as social events.
    Limited grants are also available for early-stage researchers. Please consult the relevant page for requirements and information ​on how to apply.

    Important dates

    • ​Paper submissions: 22 APRIL 2018 – NEW DEADLINE
    • Grant applications: 22 APRIL 2018 – NEW DEADLINE
    • Registration: 30 April 2018​
  • PATA Days 2018 in Thessaloniki – registration open

    The registration for the PATA Days 2018 in Thessaloniki is now open:–grants.html

    The 9th PATA Days will take place from 24-29 June in Thessaloniki, Greece. The event is organised by Spyros Pavlides and Alex Chatzipetros and supported by INQUA/TERPRO. more

  • New INQUA website and TERPRO online membership form

    INQUA has a wonderful new website: Most importantly, it now has a form to register with the TERPRO commission (becoming a member = subscribing to the mailing list): Becoming a member doesn’t lead to any obligations, but comes with two advantages:
    1) You will be informed about TERPRO news every now and then;
    2) You’ll have the right to vote for the new TERPRO leadership!

    There are a couple of changes ahead of us, let’s make sure the earthquake community makes itself heard. During the past years, INQUA-TERPRO has always supported our PATA Days meetings by sponsoring travel grants for
    early career researchers and researchers from developing countries. You joining TERPRO will help to continue that amazing work and to support PATA Days, ECRs & DCRs in the future. So please register!

    Thanks and see you in Thessaloniki:

  • PATA Days 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece – website now online

    The 9th PATA Days will take place from 24-29 June in Thessaloniki, Greece. The event is organised by Spyros Pavlides and Alex Chatzipetros and supported by INQUA/TERPRO.

    The conference website is now online at

    Save the date for the next round of great discussions about  Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology! The PATA Days 2018 commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Thessaloniki earthquakes. more

  • Those were the PATA Days in New Zealand

    More than 130 participants from 21 different countries, about one third of which ECRs and/or DCRs, participated in the 8th PATA Days in New Zealand. The meeting started with an icebreaker on 12 November, followed by a field trip on 13 November to visit the northern surface ruptures of the M7.8 earthquake of November 2016. After that, three days were devoted to scientific presentations, poster sessions, and discussion. A public lecture by Phaedra Upton, Daniela Pantosti, Ursula Cochran, Caroline Orchiston, and Tom Rockwell attracted a large number of Blenheim residents. more

  • PATA Days in Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-30 June 2018 – save the date!

    Dear friends and colleagues,

    The PATA Days will return to Europe next year! Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Thessaloniki Earthquakes, the meeting will be held in Greece from 25-30 June, 2018. Save the dates! Spyros Pavlides and Alex Chatzipetros will organize the scientific sessions from 25-27 June, and a summer school is planned for 28-30 June. After visiting the active faults of the US (2016) and New Zealand (2017), we will see some great sites in northern Greece. After that we plan to explore what active tectonics do look like in Argentina and Chile in 2020 (Huge thrusts!). More information and a 1st circular will follow very soon. See you all in Greece in June, γεια μας!

  • Special Issue in QI – Quaternary Earthquakes: Geology & Palaeoseismology for Seismic Hazard Assessment

    Dear friends and colleagues,

    We are happy to announce that our Special Issue from the 2015 PATA Days in Fucino is finally published in Quaternary International. This wonderful workshop commemorated the centenary of the 1915 Fucino Earthquake, and
    we have seen some great active faults in the Central Apennines
    and palaeoseismological research sites during the field trips. The meeting was organized by ISPRA, INGV and University of Insubria and promoted by INQUA TERPRO. more

  • PATA Days 2017: Registration is now open

    The registration for the 2017 PATA Days INQUA meeting (International meeting on Paleoseismology, Archaeoseismology & Active Tectonics) in New Zealand is now open. Safe the dates 13th – 16th November 2017 and make sure to check out the wonderful field trip options.

    Registration website:

    See you all in New Zealand in November!

  • PATA Days 2017 in New Zealand: Field trip programme out now!

    The organisers of the PATA Days 2017 in New Zealand have provided details on the planned field trips. There will be a 1-day field trip at the start of meeting, and an optional 3-day post-meeting field trip. Some of the field trip details are not yet finalised because we don’t know the state of road access to some areas impacted by the Kaikoura earthquake. They will post a final itinerary in early November. Have a look at the programme and enjoy the magnificient field photos!
