The EEE Metrics Project & IFG Paleoseismology and Active Tectonics will host two paleoseismology sessions at the XIX INQUA 2015 in Japan. The congress will be held in Nagoya from 27 July – 2 August. Deadline for abstract submission and travel grant application is 20 December, 2014, deadline for early bird registration is 28 February 2015. more
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Paleoseismology sessions at the XIX INQUA 2015, Nagoya, Japan
2014-11-26 | in Meeting -
3He dating of rockfalls helps to distinguish between proximal and distal paleo-earthquakes in Christchurch, NZ
2014-10-13 | in EarthquakeThe 2011 Christchurch earthquake series had severe consequences and surprised scientists for many reasons. Ground motions were extremely strong despite the relative moderate magnitudes of the quakes (MW 5.3-7.1). The events happened on a system of hitherto unknown faults, some of which are located directly below Christchurch. Earthquake environmental effects (EEE), especially liquefaction, were intense and widespread. It turned out that subsequent quakes reactivated the same feeder dikes of sand blows, showing that saturated sediments are susceptible of liquefaction no matter if they had been liquefied recently (also see the paper of Quigley et al. (2013) on the liquefaction effects). Another stunning lesson was the occurrence of intense rockfall in the vicinity of Christchurch. In a recently published study, Mackey and Quigley (2014) dated rockfall boulders with 3He and show that they allow to estimate the recurrence intervall of local seismic events like the 2011 series. This works is a very interesting way to use EEE for paleo-earthquake studies. more
Latest publications on paleoseismology and related fields
2014-10-06 | in PaperA couple of new papers on paleoseismology and related fields have recently been published. They deal with active tectonics in China, coseismic uplift in Japan, seismites in Canada, turbidite and lake sediment paleoseismology, earthquake environmental effects in Greece, paleotsunami deposits in India, an earthquake and tsunami in 1531 in Lisbon, tsunamites in Malta, tectonic geomorphology, scaling relationships in the Med, and the 2013 Balochistan earthquake and subsequent tsunami. If you miss recent studies here, drop us a mail. more
5th PATA Days in Busan – registration deadline extended to 20 June
2014-06-08 | in Busan 2014, MeetingDear friends and colleagues,
The deadline for registration of the 5th PATA-days meeting is extended to June 20, and for abstract submission to the end of June.
The 5th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA Days) will take place in Busan, Korea from 21-27 September 2014. Already some 75 scientists from all around the world have registered for this meeting – be the next one and don’t miss the latest news on old earthquakes.See details on the official website:
Please don’t miss the last chance to visit dynamic Korea!
First paper on the earthquake environmental effects of the 2014 Cephalonia (Greece) M6.0 quakes
2014-06-04 | in Earthquake, PaperOn 26 January and 3 February, 2014, two strong and shallow strike-slip earthquakes of magnitude 6+ occured beneath the island of Cephalonia in Western Greece. Both events caused intense damage to buildings and infrastructure. A team of Greek geologists mapped earthquake environmental effects (EEE) such as liquefaction, road failures, rock falls, small/medium size landslides and stonewall failures. The results are now published in a paper in Tectonophysics. more
Field trip: Alaska 1964 earthquake and tsunami
The SSA 2014 conference in Anchorage, Alaska is over and so is the post-meeting excursion. Our friend and colleague Gösta was attending this field trip on the environmental effects of the Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964 and he sent us some nice images and a brief description of this trip. This is the second part of his report. more
Invited talk at RWTH Aachen University: Seismic Environmental Effects triggered by the January and February 2014 Cephalonia Earthquakes
2014-03-28 | in Earthquake, EventsOn Monday, 31 March, our colleague and friend George Papathanassiou from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will give an invited talk about Seismic Environmental Effects triggered by the January and February 2014 Cephalonia Earthquakes. The presentation will start 2:00 pm at RWTH Aachen University, Lochnerstr. 4-20, 52064 Aachen, room 217. Please download the flyer here, guests are welcome.
New papers on lacustrine turbidites, coseismic landslides in NZ, active faults in Iran, and paleoseismology in Ecuador
2014-03-24 | in PaperI came across several interesting papers on paleoseismology and related disciplines, most of them published recently. They deal with “classical” paleoseismology, with earthquake environmental effects like coseismic landslides and tsunamis, and also with geomorphological indicators for active faulting. Let me know if I missed some! more
Report on the Cephalonia M6 earthquakes available on iBooks library for Mac and IOS
2014-03-06 | in EarthquakeThe report on the earthquake environmental effects of the two M6 earthquakes that rattled Cephalonia earlier this year is now available on iBooks library for Mac and IOS. Plus, the report comes with interactive content and videos. Best viewed on an iPad. more
Earthquake Geo Survey App reached 500 downloads
2014-03-02 | in EarthquakeThe Earthquake Geosurvey App by George Papathanassiou and Vasilis Kopsachilis has reached 500 downloads – congratulations! The App allows mapping earthquake environmental effects in post-earthquake surveys and is currently available for Android. An iOS version will come soon. Find more information about the app here at the official homepage or visit Google Play for download. more