These are the latest papers paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics. Happy New Year! more
New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Jan 2019)
8th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics 24-26 September, 2019
The 8th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG) will be held in Quito, Ecuador on September 24-26th, 2019. In addition to the scientific session, several field trips will be held. The event is organized by the Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN, Ecuador) and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, France).
You can download the triptych here and the Second Circular here.
Key dates
- Online registration: January, 2019
- Deadline for abstracts: April 1st, 2019
- Deadline for early bird registration: May 1st, 2019
Postdoc Research Assistant position at UNAM: Upper plate deformation/Mexican subduction, available September 2019
Paleoseismology sessions at the INQUA Congress in Dublin, 25-31 July, 2019
Taking place every four years, the INQUA Congress is the meeting for Quaternary science. After Nagoya in 2015, the XX. Congress will be held in Dublin from 25-31 July, 2019.
Please make sure to check the following palaeoseismology-related sessions, abstract deadline is 9 January!
- Earthquake geology and seismic hazards: From earthquake mapping of historical and prehistoric earthquakes to palaeoseismology. (Convenors: Ioannis Papanikolaou, Stéphane Baize, Christoph Grützner)
- Palaeoseismology of plate interiors under Pleistocene climate changes. (Klaus Reicherter, Petra Štěpančíková, Małgorzata Pisarska-Jamroży, Poster only)
- Development of soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) and differences between non-seismic and seismic structures. (Małgorzata Pisarska-Jamroży, Tom Van Loon, Barbara Woronko, Andreas Boerner, Poster only)
- Subduction zone palaeoseismology. (Emma Hocking. Ed Garrett, Jasper Moernaut)
Also interesting for the earthquake community:
- Sea-level changes from minutes to millennia. (Simon Engelhart, Fengling Yu, Alar Rosentau, Gösta Hoffmann, Poster only)
- The sedimentary record of tsunamis and storms. (Vanessa Heyvaert, Sue Dawson, Max Engel)
- River terraces as archives of Quateranry landscape development. (Martin Stokes, Pedro Cunha, Poster only)
Christoph Grützner
Open positions in Tectonics
2018-12-12 | in JobsSeveral open positions in the broad field of tectonics are currently advertised:
- The School of Environment, University of Auckland, is looking to appoint a lecturer/senior lecturer in Earth Sciences with expertise in tectonic geomorphology and/or structural geology.
- PhD project on active tectonics in Turkey, University of Plymouth. Open for Uk and EU citizens (resident in the UK for 3 years).
- 3 new lecturer/senior lecturer positions in Earth Science & Engineering at Imperial College London.
- 3 lectureship positions (equivalent to assistant/associate professorships) in Earth Sciences at Cambridge.
- 2 Postdoctoral Researchers at University College Dublin to work on: (i) The kinematics of fault systems offshore Ireland and (ii) Discrete element numerical modelling of the evolution of fault systems. under the job reference numbers 011021 and 011024.
- 4-year PhD project at University College Dublin: “Tracking Neogene growth and collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by detrital provenance analysis of clastic sediment”.
- PhD position in Edinburgh: Mineral dehydration and rehydration cycles: Effects on strength, structure and permeability.
- PhD position at University of Leeds: Warm climate, high seas. How did sea level change in Europe during the Last Interglacial?
- PhD positions at the lab of James Dolan, Univ. of Southern California:
- Research Scientist at Uni Jena: Building a new µCT / XRM Lab:
- PostDoc position at BGRM France, Orléans: InSAR & optical correlation applied to Earth Sciences.
New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Dec 2018)
PATA Days 2019 in Israel cancelled
The 10th PATA Days, which were planned for September 2019 in Israel, have to be cancelled. The next regular PATA meeting will therefore be held in Chile 2020. This is the bad news. The good news is that there will be a student summer school organized by the IFG EGSHaz from 24-27 September, 2019, in Prague (Czech Republic). Petra Štěpančíková and her team are currently working on the schedule. The summer school will mainly address students and PhD students interested in earthquake geology, paleoseismology, and tectonic geomorphology. We will likely have two days of lectures & exercises and two days of field trips. More information will be available soon, so stay tuned.
Please make sure to consider attending the INQUA Congress in Dublin (25-31 July, 2019). There will be three sessions organized by our IFG:
- Earthquake Geology and Seismic Hazards: from earthquake mapping of historical and prehistoric earthquakes to paleoseismology (Ioannis Papanikolaou, Stéphane Baize, Christoph Grützner)
- Paleoseismology of plate interiors under Pleistocene climate changes (Klaus Reicherter, Petra Štěpančíková, Małgorzata Pisarska-Jamroży)
- Development of soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) and differences between non-seismic and seismic structures (Małgorzata
(Gosia) Pisarska-Jamroży, A.J. Tom van Loon, Barbara Woronko, Andreas Börner)
Also, this session could be of interest:
- Subduction zone palaeoseismology (Emma Hocking, Ed Garrett, Jasper Moernaut)
See you in Dublin and Prague!
Ioannis, Petra, Christoph -
Call for papers for Spec Iss: “New Perspectives in the Definition/Evaluation of Seismic Hazard through Analysis of the Environmental Effects Induced by Earthquakes”
2018-11-16 | in PaperA Special Issue in Geosciences will focus on New Perspectives in the Definition/Evaluation of Seismic Hazard through Analysis of the Environmental Effects Induced by Earthquakes. The call for papers is now open. This Special Issue aims to collect all contributions that using different methodologies can integrate new data produced with multi-disciplinary and innovative methods. These methodologies are essential for the identification and characterization of seismically active areas, and for the development of new hazard models, obtained using different survey techniques. The contributions related to seismic-induced effects in volcanic areas (currently not well-examined) will also be particularly appreciated, since in such areas even high-energy earthquakes can induce both surface faulting and secondary effects, as recently observed for the volcano-tectonic earthquake of Md = 4 that occurred on August 21, 2017 in the Island of Ischia (Campania, Southern Italy). -
USGS Mendenhall Fellowship Opportunity – Cascadia Marine Geohazards
2018-11-15 | in JobsUSGS is currently recruiting a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow for a project on Marine Geohazards of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, with three general areas of interest: the relationship of Quaternary sediment distribution and stratigraphy to seafloor processes and earthquake history; links between tectonic geomorphology, upper plate structure, and deeper subduction processes; and the influence of fluids and 3D structural interactions on the mechanics of subduction zone forearcs.
A full description of the opportunity is available here: information about the Mendenhall Fellowship program: info flyer about our Marine Geohazards project:
Potential applicants may contact Jenna Hill ( or one of the other research advisors associated with this project prior to putting together their research proposal.
New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Nov 2018)