What’s new in paleoseismology and active tectonics research? Here’s my latest digest of some recently published papers. As always, please feel free to point out ones that I’ve missed. more
Posts in the category » Paper « ( 282 Posts )
Stuff to read – latest papers on paleoseismology, archaeoseismology, and tsunamis
Remembering the 1945 Makran Tsunami – Free book: interviews with survivors
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Makran Earthquake and Tsunami. On 27 November, 1945, an earthquake of magnitude Mw8.1 occurred at the Makran Subduction Zone offshore Pakistan. A large tsunami was triggered that reached the coasts of Pakistan, Iran, India, and Oman. The quake and the waves left approx. 4,000 people dead. A new book collects interviews with survivors. The book has been published by the UNESCO through its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and is available for free download here. more
Guest blog by Elisa Kagan: New book on the Dead Sea Transform
2015-02-10 | in PaperA new book on the Dead Sea Transform has been published by Springer:
Together with Prof. Zvi Garfunkel and Prof. Zvi Ben-Avraham, I am a co-editor of this book. The book focuses on various aspects of the fault system, from geophysics, to tectonics, paleolimnology, hydrology, seismicity, and PALEOSEISMICITY. Most relevant to this blog are the papers by Agnon and by Marco & Klinger.
- Shmulik Marco and Yann Klinger review in a new light the on-fault paleoseismic studies carried out along the DST.
- Amotz Agnon delves into the off-fault seismite archives (lake, cave).
Here is a link to the book on the Springer site: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-94-017-8872-4
New paleoseismology papers
2015-01-31 | in PaperIt’s been a while since the last update on paleoseismology literature. BSSA’s latest issue has some interesting studies that you should check, and there’s even more to discover. Also, there is some new work on (paleo-)tsunamis and historic large earthquakes. If you feel that important new papers are missing, drop us a mail! more
Free book: Catalogue of the geological effects of earthquakes in Spain (in Spanish)
2015-01-12 | in Earthquake, PaperSpain may not be as famous for its earthquakes as Greece, Turkey or Italy, but significant events do shake the western part of the Mediterranean, too. Numerous paleoseismological and archaeoseismological studies as well as research on historical quakes have been undertaken on the Iberian peninsula. A new book was now published by the IGME which collects all the information currently available on the geological effects of earthquakes in Spain. The book is in Spanish and available for free download here:
The catalogue includes 44 quakes between 218 BC and AD 2011.
Surface compressive deformation constrained through a Loess/paleosol sequence: a case study from northern Italy
2014-12-11 | in Field work, Paper“Blown in the wind” Bob Dylan would have said or, at least, by. An international team (Università dell’Insubria, Università degli Studi di Milano – ITALY, Universität Innsbruck – AUSTRIA) found evidence of surface secondary faulting by blind thrust thanks to a promising setting characterized by syn-growth aeolian sedimentation, at the northern fringe of the Po Plain (N Italy). Results were published this year, in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
New paleoseismology papers
New paper: How archaeology records extreme flood events in Oman
2014-11-24 | in Field work, PaperOur latest paper on coastal change in Oman deals with an extreme flood event that was recorded in an archaeological site in Ras al Hadd, at the easternmost tip of the Arabian Peninsula. We found multiple evidence for tsunamis that hit Oman’s coast in the past. Close to Fins, mega-boulders were thrown on a cliff by huge waves. Fine-grained sediments typical for tsunami action were found in the same area. Searching for further evidence, we came across the archaeological site of HD6 in Ras al Hadd. The archaeologists who were excavating this site told us about strange findings in the archaeological record – they encountered a layer that interrupted the otherwise continuous stratigraphy of the settlement. The bronze age fishing village is located very close to the coast only a few meters above sea level, a large tsunami could easily impact here. more
Literature news: Recent publications on paleoseismology
Call for papers: Special Issue on Tectonics of Oblique Plate Boundary Settings
2014-11-12 | in PaperOur colleague Manuel Díaz-Azpiroz from Seville and his colleeagues will be guest editor of a special issue on “Tectonics of Oblique Plate Boundary Settings”, which is going to be published in Tectonophysics.
Everyone who is interested to participate may submit a manuscript. The Special Issue aims on contributions about different aspects of the study of convergent and divergent, ancient and active oblique plate boundary systems, including analytical, numerical and analogue modelling methods, as well as field-based analyses of natural cases. Innovative approaches that exploit new analysis techniques (3D geophysical modelling, space geodesy-based kinematics, etc.) or methods combining structural geology with geophysics, petrology, geomorphology or stratigraphy are also welcomed. Through this thematic volume of Tectonophysics, the progress in the understanding of the kinematics and dynamics of oblique plate boundaries will be addressed and innovative and/or multidisciplinary research methods that provide new insights into the 3D deformation inherently linked to these systems will be promoted.