Christoph Grützner

Christoph Grützner

works at the Institute of Geological Sciences, Jena University. He likes Central Asia and the Mediterranean and looks for ancient earthquakes.

  • New paleoseismology papers

    Several recently published studies deal with paleoseismology and related fields, especially tsunamis and archaeoseismology.

    Do you feel some important papers are missing? Contact us and tell us! more

  • Paleoseismology sessions at the XIX INQUA 2015, Nagoya, Japan

    The EEE Metrics Project & IFG Paleoseismology and Active Tectonics will host two paleoseismology sessions at the XIX INQUA 2015 in Japan. The congress will be held in Nagoya from 27 July – 2 August. Deadline for abstract submission and travel grant application is 20 December, 2014, deadline for early bird registration is 28 February 2015. more

  • New paper: How archaeology records extreme flood events in Oman

    Our latest paper on coastal change in Oman deals with an extreme flood event that was recorded in an archaeological site in Ras al Hadd, at the easternmost tip of the Arabian Peninsula. We found multiple evidence for tsunamis that hit Oman’s coast in the past. Close to Fins, mega-boulders were thrown on a cliff by huge waves. Fine-grained sediments typical for tsunami action were found in the same area. Searching for further evidence, we came across the archaeological site of HD6 in Ras al Hadd. The archaeologists who were excavating this site told us about strange findings in the archaeological record – they encountered a layer that interrupted the otherwise continuous stratigraphy of the settlement. The bronze age fishing village is located very close to the coast only a few meters above sea level, a large tsunami could easily impact here. more

  • Literature news: Recent publications on paleoseismology

    Here’s my list of recent publications that deal with paleoseismology and related topics.


  • 2nd Historical Earthquake Colloquium on the Rhine Graben and Intraplate Quakes – May 2015 in Strasbourg

    The 2nd Historical Earthquake Colloquium will be held in Strasbourg, France, from 12-13 May, 2015. It focusses on Major Historical Earthquakes of the Rhine Graben and Intraplate Europe – From archives to comparative seismotectonics.

    Following the first edition dedicated to historical earthquakes held in Freiburg (May 19 and 20, 2014), this meeting will focus on seismological studies of the Rhine Graben and intraplate Europe. The meeting will also address the relationships between recent seismicity, non-instrumental earthquakes and their seismotectonic characteristics. Contributions on historical, instrumental seismology and induced seismicity
    are welcome. We also encourage presentations in seismotectonics, paleoseismology, archeoseismology and seismic hazard assessment.
    We propose three sessions:


  • Call for papers: Special Issue on Tectonics of Oblique Plate Boundary Settings

    Our colleague Manuel Díaz-Azpiroz from Seville and his colleeagues will be guest editor of a special issue on “Tectonics of Oblique Plate Boundary Settings”, which is going to be published in Tectonophysics.

    Everyone who is interested to participate may submit a manuscript. The Special Issue aims on contributions about different aspects of the study of convergent and divergent, ancient and active oblique plate boundary systems, including analytical, numerical and analogue modelling methods, as well as field-based analyses of natural cases. Innovative approaches that exploit new analysis techniques (3D geophysical modelling, space geodesy-based kinematics, etc.) or methods combining structural geology with geophysics, petrology, geomorphology or stratigraphy are also welcomed. Through this thematic volume of Tectonophysics, the progress in the understanding of the kinematics and dynamics of oblique plate boundaries will be addressed and innovative and/or multidisciplinary research methods that provide new insights into the 3D deformation inherently linked to these systems will be promoted.


  • Call for papers: Regional moment tensors and stress field in South and Central America

    Our colleague Franck Audemard spread the news that a special issue of the Journal of South American Earth Sciences (SAMES) will be published on “Regional moment tensors and stress field in South and Central America”. Given the success of the RMTS (Regional Moment-Tensor Solution) session in the IASPEI Regional Assembly in Bogotá, last July, a special issue is now planned on all aspects of moment-tensors and stress field. more

  • Deform2015, thematic school about crustal deformation and earthquakes

    The Deform2015 school on Active Deformation, Faults and Earthquakes from Measurements to Models will be held in Southern France from 7-13 February, 2015.
    Over the past years, considerable advances have been made in observing crustal deformation at scales of seconds to thousands of years.
    However, a unified view of the earthquake cycle is still missing. The thematic school aims at bringing together students and scientists
    working on different aspects of active faulting and earthquake processes. This school will provide a state-of-the-art view of the technics used to study active deformation as well as a perspective on the current models integrating the growing corpus of available data.


  • New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics and tsunami research

    Several new papers deal with paleoseismology and active tectonics studies. Wiatr et al. used terrestrial LiDAR to analyse limestone bedrock scarps, Hornblow et al. investigated the Darfield earthquake source in NZ. Sarikaya et al. present new data on offset alluvial fans in Central Turkey; Xu et al. present geological data on two historical seismic events in Tibet. Tectonic morphology is used by Barcelona et al. in NW Argentina. Mathew et al. use remote sensing data to analyze coseismic deformation in China. Ed Garrett and colleagues present data on 1000 years of megathrust quakes in Chile, and Bemis et al. have an interesting article on UAVs and paleoseismology. more

  • New report on the Napa Earthquake available, update on amount of afterslip

    Our colleague Tim Dawson from the California Geological Survey (CGS) pointed me to this website, where reports and data on the Napa Earthquake of 24 August, 2014, are collected. There is a new document available for download, the EERI report at the top of the page, which adds some previously unpublished information, especially on the observed afterslip. Tim writes that “afterslip along the central 6-7 km of the rupture is about 35 cm (whereas it was initially only about 20 cm the day of the earthquake).” The afterslip seems to be still ongoing and is monitored with InSAR. more