The 2021 meeting on “Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe“ will take place on 23 March, 2021. These meetings were held before traditionally in several countries, this year it will be held via Zoom. The meeting used to be organised in the Euregio area, Aachen/NRW, Belgium and the Netherlands, but is now opened up to include more regions, as there is a joint topic that connects many places: intraplate tectonics.
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Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe – a workshop: 23 March, 2021
2021-03-15 | in Meeting -
International workshop in Patras, Greece (13 June 2018): 10 years after the 2008 Movri Mtn Earthquake
2018-01-26 | in Meeting | one response2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the Movri Mtn Earthquake in Greece. A workshop will be held in Patras on the 13 June, 2018, with a field trip to the Movri Mtn epicentral area (geology, geomorphology, geodesy, earthquake effects). The trip is organised by the Department of Geology, University of Patras, Greece, in conjunction with the Tectonics Committee of the Geological Society of Greece. more
Date change: Technical Workshop on Internet Macroseismology in Ljubljana, Slovenia, now from 14-15 November, 2017
2017-09-16 | in Meeting, Software and ApplicationsThe technical workshop on Internet Macroseismology will take place in beautiful Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 14-15 November, 2017. Please note that the dates have changed.
Deadline for abstract submission is 20 September. Find more information in the second circular (download, pdf, 550 kb), or visit the website for registration:
Fault2SHA 3rd Workshop: Role of scaling laws & fault interaction, 2-4 May, 2017, Barcelonnette (France)
2017-02-04 | in MeetingThe FAULT2SHA Working Group has been formally approved by the European Seismological Commission, at the 35th General Assembly in Sept 2016. The WG core supporters are pleased to announce a new initiative, open to all researchers interested in contributing to discussions on topics that could improve the assessment of seismic hazard. more
Fault Displacement Hazards Workshop, Dec 8-9th, 2016 (and AGU Fall meeting session)
2016-08-02 | in Earthquake, MeetingDear Colleagues,
We would like to bring your attention to a workshop we are organizing on the topic of Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis (FDHA). The Workshop will be held December 8-9th at the U.S. Geological Survey Campus in Menlo Park, CA, and is timed to be the Thursday and Friday before the 2016 AGU Fall meeting so that international participants can plan to attend both the Workshop and AGU the following week.
Workshop themes will include: more
Workshop ‘Earthquake activity and hazard in northwest Europe’, Belgium, 15 October, 2015
2015-05-19 | in Earthquake, MeetingOur colleagues in Belgium have reasons to celebrate! At the Membach station they’re monitoring seismic activity for 40 years now, and 20 years ago the superconducting gravimeter started working. To commemorate this the Royal Observatory of Belgium and the Public Services of Wallonia organize a scientific workshop on Earthquake activity and hazard in northwest Europe. The workshop will be held on 15 October 2015 at the Gileppe Dam Tower.
NSF-sponsored workshop on Future Directions in Tectonics
2015-05-08 | in MeetingFuture research in tectonics and structural geology is the focus of an NSF-sponsored workshop to be held in Madison, Wisconsin on July 22-24, 2015 – aimed to assemble a diverse range of earth scientists to identify pertinent and promising areas of new research, recognize and prioritize infrastructure needs that are necessary to making scientific progress, and articulate the societal relevance of research in tectonics and structural
geology in the 21st Century. The vision articulated at the workshop will be captured in a white paper, the first of its kind since 2004, that will inform our science community, funding agencies, elected officials, and the general public. -
Submarine Paleoseismology Workshop at ETH Zurich, 16-18 July 2015
2015-03-23 | in MeetingFrom 16-18 July, 2015, an interesting workshop will be held at ETH Zurich (Switzerland): Submarine Paleoseismology – Using giant piston coring within IODP to fill the gap in long-term records of great earthquakes.
Michael Strasser, one of the main organizer, names the aims of the workshop: “The main topic of the workshop is to discuss and define a strategy how and where we could best make use of giant piston coring efforts within the Integrated Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) to make some major advancements in submarine paleoseismology to constrain earthquake recurrence beyond historical times.” more
Workshop of the SARA Project (South America Risk Assessment) on “Inventory of Hazardous Structures of South America” & Workshop of the 1311 INQUA project. Santiago, CHILE, 17-20 November, 2014
2014-12-03 | in MeetingThe gathering of the South American Neotectonic Group took place at the Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago as a departure point of the scheduled activities of the “Inventory of Hazardous Structures of South America” project, a topic layer of the South America Risk Assessment (SARA) effort (see previous post at here). This convocation also hosted a meeting of the INQUA SAm-GeoQuat IFG and the 1311 Project.
Field Training Course and Workshop “Tectonic and climatic forcing on the Late Quaternary landscape evolution of Central Argentina”, 14-18 October 2013
2013-08-26 | in TeachingFrom 14-18 October 2013 a field training course will take place in Central Argentina. The course and a workshop are organized by the Sam-GeoQuat Group, the topic is: “From the Pampean Ranges to the North Pampa: Tectonic and climatic forcing on the Late Quaternary landscape evolution of Central Argentina”. Deadline for registration is 30 August, so hurry if you are interested. Download the 1st circular (pdf, <1 MB) here: 1-course-sam-geoquat2013 more