Time is running and the publishing machine doesn’t stop. Another month has passed, and here we are with a whole bunch of new and existing papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, tsunami, and archaeosesimology. Lot’s of stuff from the Tien Shan this time, including my very own paper about which I will blog in detail later. Enjoy reading! more
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New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Nov 2017)
2017-11-02 | in Paper | one response -
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Sep 2017)
AGU Session on Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science
Our colleague Jessica Pilarczyk send us the following message regarding an AGU session on Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science:
Dear paleoseismicity.org members,
We invite you to submit an abstract to the session, “Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science” at the Fall 2017 American Geophysical Union Meeting, to be held in New Orleans 11-15 December. The session description is below. The deadline to submit an abstract is 2 August 23:59 EST/04:59 +1 GMT.
The URL for the abstract submission for this session is: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm17/nh/papers/index.cgi?sessionid=25672
Bruce Jaffe
Jessica Pilarczyk
Rick Wilson
Finn Løvholt
Preliminary report on the 12 June, 2017, Lesvos (Greece) Earthquake
2017-07-04 | in EarthquakeOn 12 June, 2017, an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw6.3 occurred south of the island of Lesvos in Greece, damaged hundreds of buildings and claimed one life. The event ruptured a NW-SE trending normal fault and had a focal depth of 13 km. Our colleagues from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens mapped the earthquake damage and the environmental effects that accompanied the earthquake. They found mass movements, secondary cracks, and report on a small tsunami. Their report can be downloaded here (PDF, 6 mb). For a higher-resolution file (33 mb), follow this link. Many thanks to Efthymios Lekkas for sending the report. more
Special issue on sub-aquatic paleoseismology
2017-06-27 | in PaperA special issue on sub-aquatic paleoseismology has been published in Marine Geology. The volume 384 ‘Subaquatic paleoseismology: records of large Holocene earthquakes in marine and lacustrine sediments‘ collects papers on marine and lacustrine mass movements that can be used to decipher the earthquake history. The contributions span a wide range of different settings, from the famous Cascadia sites to Greece, and are based on presentations from the International Sedimentological Congress in Geneva (August 2014) and the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco (December 2014). more
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Jun 2017)
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (May 2017)
2017-05-04 | in PaperIt’s just a few months after the Kaikoura earthquake and now the first papers have been published already. Today’s paper round-up also includes studies on dating tsunami boulders, turbidite paleoseismology, paleoseismology in the Tien Shan, the recent Italy and New Zealand earthquakes, and earthquakes and social media. Enjoy reading! more
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Apr 2017)
2017-04-04 | in PaperToday in the paper round-up (April 2017): Active Tectonics of the Makran, postseismic deformation at Bam, active faults and paleoseismology in Italy, Switzerland & Alaska, the first papers on the Kaikoura earthquake, tsunamis in Chile and the Western Mediterranean, and faults in Mexico. Enjoy reading! more
IASPEI Symposium on paleoseismology & paleotsunami studies, Kobe, Japan, 30 July – 4 August, 2017
2017-02-02 | in MeetingThe Joint Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) will be held in Kobe, Japan from 30 July – 4 August, 2017. Among the scientific sessions, there will be an IASPEI Symposium on paleoseismology and paleotsunami studies.
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Feb 2017)
2017-02-01 | in PaperThis year has already seen a good amount of publications that might be interesting for the paleoseismicity community. Since it’s still rather unpleasant outside (at least here in the UK), why not lean back in your comfy chair, drink a cup of tea and read some exciting new science? Today we have interesting papers on old earthquakes, seismic hazard, paleoseismology, speleoseismology, the ESI-scale, fault physics, tsunamis, and space geodesy. Plus, tectonic lunomorphology – fault scarps on the moon. Enjoy reading! more