The 5th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes, Paleoseismology, Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard will be held from 11-13 October, 2017, in Hannover, Germany at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR). Deadline: 10 September!
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5th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes, Paleoseismology, Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard, 11-13 October, 2017, Hannover, Germany
Postdoc Position at University of Potsdam, Germany – Open topic in Earth and Environmental sciences
2016-07-01 | in JobsAn interesting opportunity for a postdoc position is currently open at Potsdam University, Germany. If you have a clever research idea, the university will basically support you and help establishing a research group via applying for more advanced funding schemes. So it’s a bit of an unusual advert, but certainly a nice one. Here’s the advert (ruthlessly copied from Potsdam University): more
A Holocene surface rupture in Germany
2016-02-13 | in Earthquake, Paper | 4 responsesI am quite happy that our new paper has finally been published in GJI. We worked on a fault between Aachen and Cologne in Germany and found that there has been a surface rupturing earthquake less than 9000 years ago, and possibly not much older than 2500 years BP. The area is of interest also because in 1755/56 a series of damaging earthquakes hit Düren and its surroundings – these are the strongest historical events in Germany that we know of. The quakes were felt as far away as Berlin, Strasbourg, and London, yet there were no primary ruptures. “Our” quake must have been much stronger… more
Full Professor (W3) for Geodynamics in Tübingen
2014-09-20 | in JobsHere’s another job offer that will be interesting for the active tectonics and paleoseismology community. The University of Tübingen will hire a Full Professor (W3) for Geodynamics. They are looking for someone who is familiar with “geophysical methods applied to crustal dynamics or surface processes (broadly defined), preferably with application to geologic hazards. The research focus should be on the physical analysis of Earth surface, tectonic, or climate processes and can include (but is not limited to): geodesy and active tectonics, earthquake seismology and neotectonics, mechanics of hillslopes, sediment transport and erosion, crustal or paleoclimate numerical modeling, or regional to global climate change. A combination of observational and modeling techniques at the regional scale or larger is desirable.”
Find the job offer here or download the pdf here: EOS_Ausschreibungstext_Geodynamic_v140828 (pdf, 57 KB). more
More papers on paleoseismology and active tectonics out now
An informal meeting/workshop on paleoseismology of NW Europe in Utrecht, 9 January 2014
2013-12-02 | in MeetingPaleoseismologists from northern Central Europe are meeting regularly for discussions, usually twice a year, and the next small workshop will take place in Utrecht on 9 January, 2014. The one-day meeting is dedicated to present latest results of ongoing research on active faults in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany (intraplate seismicity). Participants from the Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia, the VU Amsterdam, TuDelft, ULG Liége, the Royal Observatory of Belgium, TNO-GDN Utrecht and RWTH Aachen University will discuss the possibilities of joint projects and collect ideas on how to proceed with ongoing studies.
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PATA Days 2013 – abstract volume now online
2013-10-18 | in Aachen 2013, Meeting, Paper, PATA daysDear colleagues and friends,
thank you very much for making the PATA Days 2013 such a great event! I hope you all had a safe trip back home or some more nice days with better weather. The abstract volume of the PATA Days is now available online. Currently, you can only download the entire volume, we will upload the single files into a sub-directory later.
The PATA Days conference – latest news and info
2013-09-23 | in Aachen 2013, Meeting, PATA daysDear friends and colleagues,
it’s only few days to go until the PATA Days conference will start with the icebreaker party at the Kuckucksnest in Aachen! We have more than 100 registered participants and we are looking forward an exciting meeting. If you attend the first two days 9-10 October, don’t forget to book a hotel in Aachen on your own, it’s time now.
You don’t have a hotel yet? Check out this pdf: Hotels and Travel.
Field work image of the day: Four on the fault
4th PATA days Aachen 2013 – Deadline for registration approaching
2013-06-26 | in Aachen 2013, Events, Meeting, PATA daysDear colleagues,
the 4th International INQUA meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA days) will take place from 9 – 15 October, 2013 in Aachen, Germany. Deadline for registration and abstract submission is (4 pages extended abstracts) 15 July 2013.
We invite you to register and submit extended abstracts to the following sessions: more