Today’s paper list contains a lot of interesting studies on Asian tectonics, a few articles on the Ridgecrest Earthquake, and a number of papers that I was involved in (sorry for the shameless self-promotion). Enjoy reading and let me know if I have missed something.
UPDATE 2021-08-03: Yes, I missed something. I added the last three papers by Rimando & Peace, Kempf & Moernaut, Amey et al., DePaolis et al., & Wils et al.
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New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Aug 2021)
2021-08-02 | in Paper -
New paper: Active faults in the Bolivian Amazon
2021-07-12 | in PaperThe Bolivian Amazon is a vast plain with almost zero topography. It hosts a huge and dynamic river system on the east side of the Andes. So far, little was known about the active tectonics of the area. In a new paper, Umberto Lombardo and I show that there are active faults parallel to the Andes, and also perpendicular to the mountain front. We used the TanDEM-X DEM and geomorphological analyses of the fluvial system to investigate the faults and their impact on river dynamics. We show that in such a low-relief setting, dip-slip earthquakes can catastrophically change river courses. If you don’t have the time to read the full paper, here’s a short summary.
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New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Jul 2021)
Special Issue: From the active fault to the seismic hazard in Latin America and the Caribbean
2021-06-16 | in PaperThe Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana has published a Special Issue “From the active fault to the seismic hazard in Latin America and the Caribbean“, edited by Laura Perucca and Franck Audemard. The issue includes studies on paleoseismology, earthquake geology, geophysics on active faults, geodesy, landscape evolution, and much more from all across S America and the Caribbean. All articles are open access! Check it out here:
New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (June 2021)
New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (May 2021)
New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Apr 2021)
2021-04-01 | in PaperJust as last month we have a veeeery long list today. Quite a number of papers deal with new data from Central Asia and S America, but of course there’s also something on the menu for connoisseurs of archaeoseismology, European, N American & African tectonics, and physics-based fault studies. Enjoy reading, stay safe and let me know if I’ve overlooked something.
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Call for papers: Special Issue on the 2021 Northern Thessaly, Greece, earthquake sequence
2021-03-22 | in Earthquake, PaperThe Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece (BGSG) is inviting papers for a Special Issue on the 2021 Northern Thessaly, Greece, Earthquake Sequence. This sequence included a M6.3 mainshock on March 3, followed 32 hours later by a M6.0 event and a M5.6 event on March 12, and thousands of smaller aftershocks. This was the most significant earthquake sequence in northern Thessaly in 80 years, and the first large events in this area of Greece since the major upgrades of the seismological, strong motion and geodetic networks. Remote-sensing imagery is available from a number of satellites and other platforms. The sequence raises numerous questions related to fault interactions, blind faulting, near- and far-field ground motions, damage distribution, earthquake triggering, liquefaction phenomena and seismic hazard and seismotectonics of the Northern Thessaly.
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Presentation on the March 2021 earthquakes in Thessaly, Greece by A. Ganas et al.
2021-03-20 | in EarthquakeThe March, 2021 earthquake series in Greece ruptured a previously unmapped fault and caused severe damage in the epicentral area. The largest shock had a magnitude of M6.3. In this presentation, Athanassios Ganas and colleagues summarize their first observations from space geodesy and field evidence of earthquake environmental effects.
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Report on the 3 & 4 March, 2021, northern Thessaly (Greece) earthquakes
2021-03-15 | in Earthquake | one responseOn 3 March, 2021, an earthquake of magnitude MW6.3 hit northern Thessaly in Greece. According to the USGS, the hypocentre was at 11.5 km depth. Normal faulting occurred either on a plane dipping 55° to the SW or on a plane dipping 36° to the NE. The quake caused a lot of damage in the village of Tyrnavos (Τύρναβος) and the surrounding areas. Widespread liquefaction was also observed. On 4 March, 2021, a mb5.8 aftershock occurred. Our colleagues S. Pavlides, A. Chatzipetros, S. Sboras, E. Kremastas and A. Chatziioannou have prepared a first field report in which they document the environmental effects of the quake.