Here’s the latest list of papers. Geographically, it’s really diverse this time, from Greenland to San Andreas, S Africa, the Caucasus and back. Also in time dimension – perhaps we have the oldest paleoseismicity in our list today? Enjoy reading and let us know if we’ve missed something.
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New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, and archaeoseismology (April 2024)
2024-04-01 | in Paper -
The Paleoseismic EArthquake CHronologies – PEACH – code, a new tool to model paleoseismic dataset correlations
2024-03-19 | in Paper, Software and ApplicationsThis is a guest blog by Octavi Gómez-Novell, Universitat de Barcelona, visiting researcher at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). Contact:
Paleoseismic data are punctual and highly localized in defined fault strands, while earthquake surface ruptures cover much larger and complex regions in comparison. This makes the identification of paleoearthquakes in trenches strongly dependent on the slip that those particular events had at each trench site, as well as on the continuity and quality of the stratigraphy for those paleoearthquakes to be dated and well-constrained in time. For this reason, paleoseismologists always seek to increase observations by trenching several sites along fault deformation zones with the premise that more observational data might: 1) complete the paleoearthquake catalogues closer to the real event count that actually occurred, 2) reduce the event age and detection uncertainties and 3) give insight about surface rupture characteristics. While all of these premises are correct and proven successful in several cases, the truth is that in a handful of other cases increasing observations can significantly difficult the correlation of datasets between sites, making such interpretations highly subjective. For instance, in very populated paleoseismic datasets and/or those with large event date uncertainties there will be multiple correlation options; which is the right one? After all, even though based on observations, paleoseismic data are interpretations, hence models that should be treated as such. Thus, can we improve correlation using numerical modelling?
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New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, and archaeoseismology (March 2024)
Open position in Belgium: Postdoc in earthquake geology and tectonic geomorphology
2024-02-28 | in Jobs | one responseThe Seismology and Gravimetry Section of the Royal Observatory of Belgium and the Unit of Physical Geography and Quaternary of the University of Liège recruit a postdoctoral researcher in earthquake geology and tectonic geomorphology. The position is for 2 yrs, and 50% funding is already secured for an additional 5 years. Deadline is 28 March, 2024. Download the ad with all details here:
New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, and archaeoseismology (Feb 2024)
New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, and archaeoseismology (Jan 2024)
Call for papers in Special Issue “Earthquake Geology of Plate Margins and Plate Interiors: Integrating Classical Methods with New Approaches”
2023-12-23 | in PaperOur colleague Tejpal Singh and his co-guest editors Riccardo Caputo and Chittenipattu P. Rajendran invite contributions to their special issue “Earthquake Geology of Plate Margins and Plate Interiors: Integrating Classical Methods with New Approaches” to be published in Geosciences. Please find more info here:
Postdoctoral Research position in Coastal Tectonics/Paleoseismology/Active Tectonics/Tsunami Deposits at UNAM, Mexico
2023-12-21 | in Uncategorized– Focus: Mexican Pacific coast – Subduction Zone
– Responsibilities: Field and lab research on coastal geomorphology and tectonic deformation, or/and earthquake, and tsunami geology
– Qualifications: Recent Ph.D. in earth sciences, desirable background in either coastal geomorphology, earthquake geology, sedimentology, Quaternary dating, microfossils analytical techniques -
New Paper: Holocene earthquakes near Cusco, Peru
2023-12-08 | in PaperIn a new study, Rosell et al. look into the earthquake history of the Tambomachay Fault near Cusco in Peru. Cusco has been hit by damaging earthquakes in 1650, 1950, and 1986, and there is also some evidence for another earthquake during Inca times between AD 1418–1471. Very little is known about the causative faults. There is also very limited information on older events. The closest fault to the city is a 20 km-long normal fault at the northern margin of the Cusco Basin, the Tambomachay Fault. Here we constrained the fault’s Holocene slip rate by dating offset lateral moraines, and we identified three Holocene surface ruptures in a paleoseismological trench. The study was recently published open access in τeκτoniκa.
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Call for papers: Special Issue on “Earthquakes and active tectonics in regions of slow lithospheric deformation: towards a re-evaluation of Stable Continental Regions (SCRs)”
2023-12-05 | in Meeting | one responseDear Colleagues,
We are aiming to organize a special issue titled: Earthquakes and active tectonics in regions of slow lithospheric deformation: towards a re-evaluation of Stable Continental Regions (SCRs). This special issue will complement a session on Intraplate Tectonics and Seismicity at the 37th International Geological Congress to be held in Busan, Korea in September 2024. The abstract for the IGC session is below, followed by our solicitation for contributions to the special issue. If you are interested in submitting an article to the special issue, please let us know a tentative title your list of authors by the 15th of December 2023.
We hope that you will join us in Busan and consider submitting your intraplate research to our special issue.
The editors: Klaus Reicherter, Beau Whitney, Sambit Naik, Pierre Arroucau, Christoph Grützner, Stéphane Baize, Jim McCalpin