Our colleagues from the Active Fault & Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Institute at Pukyong National University in Busan (South Korea) advertise a PostDoc position in their team. Here’s the details:
Thanks Sambit Prasanajit Naik for sharing!
Our colleagues from the Active Fault & Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Institute at Pukyong National University in Busan (South Korea) advertise a PostDoc position in their team. Here’s the details:
Thanks Sambit Prasanajit Naik for sharing!
These are great opportunities for PhD students and postdocs. A huge research programme in South Korea is now devoted to investigate the active faults of the country and to understand the seismic hazard, after two damaging earthquakes hit the country recently.
Recruiting PhD Research Student and Postdoctoral Researcher
Starting from March 2019, ‘The Korean Active Fault Research Group (KAFRG)’ and ‘The Institute of Active Fault and Earthquake Hazard Mitigation (IAFEHM)’ at Pukyong National University in South Korea are looking for competent and enthusiastic research students and geologists for PhD and Post-doc.
Our research group and institute are currently leading active fault investigations and researches in South Korea. We also have been implementing collaborative researches with various domestic and overseas universities and research institutes. The ongoing main projects of our research group are ‘Investigation of active faults on the Korean Peninsula’ and ‘The safety evaluation for geological conditions and earthquake hazard for nuclear power plant sites and waste disposal facilities.’
The initial employment – contract period is 1 year, and depending on the researcher’s achievement and contribution to the group the working year(s) can be extended. The annual salary will be arranged according to the researcher’s research experiences and the performances. more
The 5th PATA Days have been a great experience. We had lots of interesting science and discussions, great field trips, wonderful social events and a quite thoroughly insight into Korean cuisine. It was for sure the best organized PATA Days meeting that took place so far – many thanks and congratulations to Prof. Young-Seog Kim, Dr. Jin-Hyuck Choi and the fantastic Korean organizing team.
If you want to download the abstract volume and the field trips guide, here are the free download links: more
The second day of the meeting revealed very nice and interesting talks of the Korean geologists and paleoseismologists, which was an excellent preparation for the upcoming post-meeting field trips on the following days. Talker of the day was Dr Tom Rockwell, he gave three talks and lectures, however one as replacement for Bill Lettis, who wasn´t able to come to Korea. Before dinner a traditional Korean drum and percussion show opened our ears and eyes for this beautiful and sometimes mysterious country. This closing dinner outside Busan was very special, in a kind of museum with a terracotta choir of a million voices, and…. more
Yesterday and today is the time of the lectures and talks, after the introducing field excursion as Christoph has reported. Yesterday evening we waved goodbye to Christoph with a couple of beers, he already needed to leave for another meeting in Durham, UK, early. We started yesterday morning with keynotes by John Suppe on folding and fold scarps and Vincent Cronin on his SLAM project (the seismo-lineament analysis method, visit his webpage for more information). more
The 5th PATA Days (5th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology) have started with a great icebreaker party on Sunday. On Monday we went on a field trip to Korea’s east coast and had a look at uplifted Late Quaternary terraces and some relatively young thrust faults. Plus, we visited a nuclear waste deposit site. Today the first presentations will start at 10 a.m. and the first poster session will be held. Here are some impressions from the first days:
It’s only a few days until the 5th PATA Days will start in Busan, Korea. This International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology is the first one to be held in Asia, and I am really excited. The organizers have put together an amazing program. After the icebreaker party on Sunday in the New Malden Pub we will go for a pre-meeting field trip on 22 September. Heading to Korea’s east coast, we will have a look at Quaternary terraces and nuclear power plant sites. The main part of the meeting (23rd and 24th) is dedicated to more than 25 talks on Earthquake Geology, Paleoseismology, Archeoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Seismic Hazard, flanked by poster sessions. Finally, the post-meeting field trip will lead us to active faults in SE Korea and archeoseismological sites. more
Dear friends and colleagues,
The deadline for registration of the 5th PATA-days meeting is extended to June 20, and for abstract submission to the end of June.
See details on the official website: www.pata-days.org.
Please don’t miss the last chance to visit dynamic Korea!
Dear friends and colleagues,
We are all looking forward to the 5th PATA Days meeting! Don’t forget to register for this conference in Busan, Korea. The meeting will take place from 21-27 September and all information can be found at http://www.pata-days.org.
The second circular is out now, please download the pdf here (PDF, 800 kb). more
Dear friends and colleagues,
The 5th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA Days) will take place in Busan, Korea from 21-27 September 2014. The official website is now online! Check the dates and register now! more