Within the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPRR/PNRR), the University “Federico II” of Naples offers 1 PhD position with the title “Earthquakes and Volcanoes”. The project will be focused on the study of active faults and seismic hazard. The study area will be mostly located in Southern Apennines. The deadline for application is the 3rd November 2022.
More information can be found at the website: http://www.unina.it/en_GB/didattica/post-laurea/dottorati-di-ricerca/bandi-di-ammissione
For details, please contact Luigi Ferranti (luigi.ferranti@unina.it) or Francesco Iezzi (francesco.iezzi@unina.it).
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PhD position on active faults at University “Federico II” of Naples – application deadline 3 Nov
2022-10-27 | in Jobs -
Seismic crisis reveals the growth of a young fault system in the Alboran Sea
2019-09-05 | in Paper | 2 responsesPress note related to the publication of the manuscript “Earthquake crisis unveils the growth of an incipient continental fault system” in Nature Communications (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-11064-5).
An international team led by the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona) demonstrate the growth of a young fault in the Alboran Sea, called the Al-Idrissi Fault System, source of the magnitude (Mw) 6.4 earthquake, which affected Al-Hoceima, Melilla and the south of the Iberian Peninsula in January 2016.
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PhD and postdoc positions available at Pukyong National University, South Korea – active faults and seismic hazard
2019-01-25 | in Uncategorized | one responseThese are great opportunities for PhD students and postdocs. A huge research programme in South Korea is now devoted to investigate the active faults of the country and to understand the seismic hazard, after two damaging earthquakes hit the country recently.
Recruiting PhD Research Student and Postdoctoral Researcher
Starting from March 2019, ‘The Korean Active Fault Research Group (KAFRG)’ and ‘The Institute of Active Fault and Earthquake Hazard Mitigation (IAFEHM)’ at Pukyong National University in South Korea are looking for competent and enthusiastic research students and geologists for PhD and Post-doc.
Our research group and institute are currently leading active fault investigations and researches in South Korea. We also have been implementing collaborative researches with various domestic and overseas universities and research institutes. The ongoing main projects of our research group are ‘Investigation of active faults on the Korean Peninsula’ and ‘The safety evaluation for geological conditions and earthquake hazard for nuclear power plant sites and waste disposal facilities.’
The initial employment – contract period is 1 year, and depending on the researcher’s achievement and contribution to the group the working year(s) can be extended. The annual salary will be arranged according to the researcher’s research experiences and the performances. more
Active faults around Cusco (Perú): field work on paleoseismology and archaeoseismology for project Cusco-PATA
2017-05-02 | in Field work | one responseThe city of Cusco in Perú has been hit by damaging earthquakes several times in its long history. In Inka times a strong earthquake destroyed parts of the city, and the Spanish invaders documented an earthquake that happened in 1650. Three hundred years later, in 1950, an earthquake destroyed large parts of modern Cusco and in 1986 a M6.1 event also led to damages in the city. In order to better understand the active normal faulting in the region, INGEMMET has launched the project Cusco-PATA (Paleoseismology, Archaeoseismology and Active Tectonics – “pata” also means “scarp” in Quechua). The project brings together scientists from Perú, Spain, France, and the UK. The 2017 field campaign started in mid-April with work on the archaeological sites in and around Cusco and paleoseismological trenching of the Pachatusan Fault. more
Earthquake rates inferred from active faults and geodynamics
2014-04-24 | in Earthquake, PaperVanja Kastelic and Michele M. C. Carafa (INGV, L’Aquila, Italy) recently published an article in the Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata (an international journal of Earth sciences) entitled “Earthquake rates inferred from active faults and geodynamics: the case of the External Dinarides.” This article covers the area affected by the earthquake of Ml 4.7 (Mw 4.6) occurred on April 22, 2014.
The same authors also wrote a brief seismotectonic report dealing with such an earthquake. They share the report with us under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
A quick seismotectonic report for the 22 April 2014 (Mw=4.6) earthquake in SW Slovenia
Vanja Kastelic1 and Michele M. C. Carafa1
New papers & books: Tsunamis, active faults, liquefaction, tectonics & coastal change