The 2024 PATA Days took place from 6-11 October in Los Andes, Chile. This was the 11th meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology. The conference proceedings with all the 4-page abstracts in now available online and for download at
Many thanks to the organisers for a successful conference and for the unforgettable field trips! PATA Days are usually organised in the framework of INQUA’s TERPRO Commission. To learn more about the past and the future of PATA Days, and to download all past abstract volumes and field trip guides, see
The PATA Days are the meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology, organised within the framework of INQUA‘s TERPRO commission. The official website has been launched, containing all infos on the programme, field trips, grant applications, the venue, the abstract template, and the deadlines. Check it out:
Abstract submission will open 4 March and the deadline for the 4-page abstracts is 29 March. No short abstracts this time.
The 12th international PATA Days will be held in Los Andes, Chile, 6-11 October, 2024. PATA stands for Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, Archaeoseismology and it is the main activity of the paleoseismology community within INQUA’s TERPRO commission.
INQUA TERPRO’s project TPPT had decided to not organise PATA Days in the years with an INQUA congress, but instead to run a much smaller summer school for ECRs and DCRs. The summer school on Active Faults and Volcano-Tectonics will be held from 25-28 September in Naples (Italy). The event will be hosted by DiSTAR (Department of Earth Sciences, Enviroment and Resources , University of Naples «Federico II»).
The first two days will include lectures by researchers who will present state of the art studies on active faults. The second part includes two field trips in areas crucial for understanding active faults and the interplay between tectonics and volcanic activity. Download the circular (PDF) here.
The 2022 PATA Days were held in Provence, France, from 25 – 30 September. Traditionally, we publish 4-page extended abstracts. The full volume containing 58 contributions is now available for download here: You can cite it as: Baize, S., & Rizza, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International INQUA Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology (“PATA Days”) 25 – 30 September 2022, Aix-En-Provence, FRANCE.
Finally, after Posidi, Greece, 2018, we had a successful PATA Days meeting! The meeting in 2019 was cancelled due to organisational problems and we held a student summer school instead in Prague. All plans were set for Chile in 2020, but it had to be cancelled twice because of Covid-19. Now it finally happened! The organisers Magali Rizza and Stéphane Baize and their wonderful team took us to Aix-en-Provence…
Make sure to scroll down to learn about the future of PATA!
The PATA Days in France are just a few days away. Get in the right mood by checking out the programme or by reading the (short) abstracts. The field trip guide for the post-conference excursion is also available for download here. The official website has all the important news concerning logistics etc.:
The Aix-en-Provence PATA Days are fast approaching and the meeting programme looks super-exciting! Unfortunately, I’ll not attend the congress, but my soul will be there in poster form – presenting author is 1st year PhD student Marco Pizza and the topic is the likelihood of primary surface faulting.
Some earthquakes produce surface faulting, others do not. Several factors affect the outcome of this dichotomous variable (faulting YES/NO), including magnitude, depth, earthquake kinematic and local lithology. The probability of having surface rupture for a given magnitude is a key ingredient in Fault Displacement Hazard Assessment (FDHA). This probability is derived from empirical datasets and the state of the art is summarized in Figure 1, taken from the recently published IAEA Tecdoc on probabilistic FDHA.
Here is the 2nd circular for the PATA Days in Southern France, September 2022. First important deadline: 30 April for submitting the short abstract (300 words). For more information visit
We are happy to announce that the organization of the PATA Days in France has progressed: the conference will occur during the last week of September 2022, i.e. from 26th (Monday) to 30th (Friday). Save the dates! PATA stands for Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, Archaeoseismology and is supported by INQUA‘s TERPRO commission. Learn more about the history of the PATA Days here.
The venue and further details will be fixed in the upcoming weeks. Also, registration is not possible yet. Meanwhile, have a look at the website with info on the programme, the scientific sessions, and the planned excursions: See you all in France!