Structure-from-Motion is now a standard technique for documenting outcrops and paleoseismic trenches. It is also widely used in archaeology, architecture, disaster response, etc. In a perfect world, we would always have lots of well-known ground control points (GCPs) for our 3D models, for example by using a differential GPS. However, quite often we can’t do that because we don’t have a dGPS, because we stumbled upon an outcrop by accident, because we don’t want to carry the tripod to the top of a summit, etc. The problem is that without GCPs we might end up with funny errors in our model. Ian Pierce has written a tutorial about how to overcome many of these problems by combining SfM with the scans of the iPad’s and iPhone’s built-in lidar sensor:
Thanks Ian!!
It’s early November – time for the latest paper roundup. This time there are many earthquake studies from China and California. New Zealand and Australia got some good coverage, too, but there’s also news from Central Europe. Plus, burglargrams! Enjoy reading.
Within the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPRR/PNRR), the University “Federico II” of Naples offers 1 PhD position with the title “Earthquakes and Volcanoes”. The project will be focused on the study of active faults and seismic hazard. The study area will be mostly located in Southern Apennines. The deadline for application is the 3rd November 2022.
More information can be found at the website:
For details, please contact Luigi Ferranti ( or Francesco Iezzi (
Finally, after Posidi, Greece, 2018, we had a successful PATA Days meeting! The meeting in 2019 was cancelled due to organisational problems and we held a student summer school instead in Prague. All plans were set for Chile in 2020, but it had to be cancelled twice because of Covid-19. Now it finally happened! The organisers Magali Rizza and Stéphane Baize and their wonderful team took us to Aix-en-Provence…
Make sure to scroll down to learn about the future of PATA!
I am on my way back from the PATA Days in France, which were great. A detailed report will follow later. In the meantime, enjoy reading the latest papers – we have a nice variety of topics and working areas.
The PATA Days in France are just a few days away. Get in the right mood by checking out the programme or by reading the (short) abstracts. The field trip guide for the post-conference excursion is also available for download here. The official website has all the important news concerning logistics etc.:
See you all in Southern France!
This is the latest list of papers on paleoseismology and related fields. This time we have a lot of new studies on Eastern and Central Asia – very interesting reads! Enjoy reading and let me know if I have missed something.
Today we have a number of articles on fault physics and some papers that use novel or unconventional ways to address large earthquakes and their proxies. Enjoy reading!
This time I found a lot of studies on tsunamis, including a whole book on tsunamis that affected the Iberian Peninsula. Then there’s classical paleoseismology of course and tectonic geomorphology, but also some discussion on science communication and news about earthquakes in the European Alps. Enjoy reading!
As Francesca has reported in her latest post, a lot of trenching is currently going on all around the world. Here you can read about previous trenching results that have now made it through review. Enjoy reading and have a great field season!