These are the latest papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics. Enjoy reading! more
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New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (March 2019)
Postdoc position at Oxford University: Palaeoseismology of Central Asian Earthquake Ruptures
2019-02-22 | in Field work, Jobs | one responseThere is a wonderful, amazing, extraordinary postdoc position open at Oxford University: Palaeoseismology of Central Asian Earthquake Ruptures.
We seek to appoint a postdoctoral research assistant to undertake investigations of large earthquakes within the interior of Asia. The post is part of a project funded by the Leverhulme Trust called EROICA. The successful candidate will work closely with Professor Richard Walker, and will join a vibrant community of active tectonics researchers in Oxford within the Earthquake Geology and Geodesy group.
The researcher will be responsible for the detailed mapping of palaeo-earthquake ruptures, the construction of slip distributions from individual earthquakes, the analysis of high-resolution satellite imagery, the construction of digital topographic models, and the selection of sites for long-term slip-rate determination using field investigation. The PDRA will also be involved in planning and carrying out fieldwork to verify remote-sensing observations, to collect samples for dating, and to excavate and interpret palaeo-seismic trenches. We expect the researcher to help in supervising doctoral and masters student research projects, in addition to undertaking their own research.
Postdoc position at UNAM from March 2020: Upper Plate Deformation Mexican Subduction
2019-02-08 | in Jobs | one responseUNAM is searching for a psotdoc working on the upper plate deformation of the Mexican subduction zone:POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT POSITION/ UPPER PLATE DEFORMATION – MEXICAN SUBDUCTION, AVAILABLE MARCH 2020
The following open position might be of interest to the Active tectonics and paleoseismology community:We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant for a 12 month fixed term appointment working on the exciting UNAM-CONACYT-funded project on “Spatial and Temporal Variations of Upper Plate Deformation across the Guerrero portion of the Mexican Subduction Zone” at the Institute of Geography and the Tsunami and Paleoseismology Laboratory, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City Campus. The candidate will pursue fundamental and applied research into the assessment of both temporal and spatial vertical crustal deformation associated with both slow (interseismic) and rapid (coseismic) crustal deformation across the inner forearc region of the central Mexican subduction zone on the Guerrero sector, where the Cocos plate underthrusts the North American plate. The candidate will be responsible for the development and execution of laboratory and field research, conduct studies to develop a model of long-term deformation, writing reports and papers. -
Open positions in Tectonics
2018-12-12 | in JobsSeveral open positions in the broad field of tectonics are currently advertised:
- The School of Environment, University of Auckland, is looking to appoint a lecturer/senior lecturer in Earth Sciences with expertise in tectonic geomorphology and/or structural geology.
- PhD project on active tectonics in Turkey, University of Plymouth. Open for Uk and EU citizens (resident in the UK for 3 years).
- 3 new lecturer/senior lecturer positions in Earth Science & Engineering at Imperial College London.
- 3 lectureship positions (equivalent to assistant/associate professorships) in Earth Sciences at Cambridge.
- 2 Postdoctoral Researchers at University College Dublin to work on: (i) The kinematics of fault systems offshore Ireland and (ii) Discrete element numerical modelling of the evolution of fault systems. under the job reference numbers 011021 and 011024.
- 4-year PhD project at University College Dublin: “Tracking Neogene growth and collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by detrital provenance analysis of clastic sediment”.
- PhD position in Edinburgh: Mineral dehydration and rehydration cycles: Effects on strength, structure and permeability.
- PhD position at University of Leeds: Warm climate, high seas. How did sea level change in Europe during the Last Interglacial?
- PhD positions at the lab of James Dolan, Univ. of Southern California:
- Research Scientist at Uni Jena: Building a new µCT / XRM Lab:
- PostDoc position at BGRM France, Orléans: InSAR & optical correlation applied to Earth Sciences.
New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Nov 2018)
Post-Doctoral Position in Tectonics / Structural Geology at IPGP (Paris, France)
2018-10-10 | in JobsThe following open position may be of interest for the tectonics community:
The Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris has an opening for a post-doctoral position to
carry out research in tectonics and structural geology. The project (PI: Martine Simoes) is
funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) to assess active deformation and
seismic hazards in slowly deforming orogens, by quantifying deformation over various timescales,
from long-term geological deformation down in time to short-term processes at the scale
of the seismic cycle. The Western Kunlun mountain range (China) will be considered as a case
example. -
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (March 2018)
2018-03-01 | in PaperA month has passed and plenty of new papers have been published. This time we have a number of contributions on the tectonics of Italy and Asia, news about seismic hazards maps, and some great earthquake physics. Enjoy the latest papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics: more
PATA Days 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece – website now online
2018-01-19 | in PATA days | one responseThe 9th PATA Days will take place from 24-29 June in Thessaloniki, Greece. The event is organised by Spyros Pavlides and Alex Chatzipetros and supported by INQUA/TERPRO.
The conference website is now online at
Save the date for the next round of great discussions about Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology! The PATA Days 2018 commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Thessaloniki earthquakes. more
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Oct 2017)
Call for contributions to textbook ‘Structural Geology and Tectonics: Problems and Solutions’
Our colleague Åke Fagereng from Cardiff University will edit a textbook on problems in structural geology and tectonics together with Soumyajit Mukherjee and Andrea Billi. The editors invite contributions from the tectonics community. Perhaps you have a nice active tectonics exercise to share? Here is the announcement: more