Second meeting on Active Faults and Paleoseismology in two weeks, so I am on the road again. Today, the 2nd Iberfault meeting in Lorca/Murcia/Spain starts focussing on A multidisciplinary approach to the study of active faults, earthquakes and seismic risk. After the very successful first meeting in Sigüenza/Guadalajara/Spain in 2010 after four years now the city of Lorca is the host. The reason is simple: a magnitude 5.1 earthquake struck the area, leaving the region with the relative high number of 9 casualties, 100 Mio. € damage and a series of scientific papers that e.g. this earthquake was anthropogenically induced by water expulsion (it was discussed here a couple of months ago by Christoph). more
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2nd IBERFAULT meeting in Lorca/Spain
First circular of the Iberfault 2014 meeting
2014-03-28 | in MeetingThe 2nd Ibefault meeting will take place in Lorca, Spain from 22-24 October, 2014. Now the first circular was published, download it here in English: Iberfault_C1_eng (PDF, 1.8 MB); in Spanish: Iberfault_C1_esp; or in Portuguese: Iberfault_C1_por.
For more info on the meeting and registration visit the official website. Deadline for abstract submission is 1 June, 2014. Early bird registration is open until 31 July, 2014.
The registration form is available here in English: Registration_form_eng (PDF, 74 kb) or Spanish: Inscripcion_IBF14.
The Iberfault 2014 meeting – 2nd Iberian meeting on Active Faults and Paleoseismology, 22-24 October, Lorca, Spain
2014-01-22 | in MeetingAfter the 1st Iberfault meeting in 2010, the 2nd meeting will take place in Lorca, Spain from 22-24 October, 2014. Any research on active tectonics and paleoseismology in Iberia is welcome, a special focus will be set on the QUAFI database. The conference will be organized by José Martinez Díaz (UCM), Eulàlia Masana (UB) and Miguel A. Rodríguez (IGME). Lorca became famous in 2011 when a shallow MW5.1 earthquake killed 9 people and caused severe damages in the city (there is an ongoing discussion whether or not groundwater lowering for irrigation during the last decades has caused, triggered, or influenced the quake).
Man-made earthquakes and science communication
2012-10-26 | in Earthquake, Paper | 3 responsesTwo papers on man-made earthquakes have been published last week and both have had received media coverage. Especially now, few days after the L’Aquila trial, the public is interested in any earthquake story and so the new findings that severe earthquakes happened due to human action caused some attention. Additionally, it caused me a headache and triggered not an earthquake, but a feeling of anger. Let’s talk about some good examples for bad science communication. more