Dear colleagues,
we wish you a Happy New Year and would like to advertise our session on “Paleoseismicity, active faulting, surface deformation, and the implications on seismic hazard assessment (Fault2SHA)” at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna (April 8-13, 2018). Please consider submitting an abstract before the deadline on Wednesday, 10 January 2018, 13:00 Central European Time. Please consider contributing with your studies by submitting your abstract here:
The 4th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes and Macroseismology will be held from 2-3 May, 2016, in Vienna, Austria. Attendance is free of charge and registration is possible until 31 March. The meeting is organised by Christa Hammerl and Wolfgang Lenhardt and will be hosted at the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik. The exciting program is available now for download: 2nd circular (PDF, 500 kb).
January seems to be the month of deadlines. Abstracts for the EGU2015 must be submitted until 7 January and there are two more deadlines that readers should consider: more
The EGU2015 will be held from 12 – 17 April in Vienna, but the abstract deadline is much closer: Day after tomorrow, 7 January! So if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to have a look at paleoseismology-related sessions at EGU: more
What a week. I’ve seen loads and loads of interesting posters and met great people. more
The EGU2014 will take place from 27 April – 2 May, 2014 in Vienna, Austria. The call for abstracts is open and submission deadline is 16 January, 2014. So it’s time to start thinking about which sessions would be interesting – not only for presenting own work, but also for listening to great talks. Here’s a list of sessions that a paleoseismologist could find interesting: more
On 2 Februar, a magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurred in shallow depth (~2-7 km) directly at the border between Austria and Slovenia. USGS reports an oblique-slip focal mechanism and a magnitude of Mw4.0 only. According to the Austrian Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik the quake was felt widely and even in Vienna. Very light damage has been reported from the epicentral area. more
The deadline for the EGU 2013 meeting is approaching, so if you want to submit an abstract or if you plan to apply for a grant, now is the time. I would like to draw your attention to the following sessions again, which are the closest to earthquake geology, I think. Deadlines are November 30 for Support Applications and January 9 for receipt of Abstracts. more
Next year’s European Geosciences Union General Assembly will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 07 – 12 April. As always there will be hundreds of sessions and thousands of scientists, so I’ve put together some recommendations based on my own interest. However, there will be some things that you’ll like, too. more
An EGU official yesterday announced the end of the union’s annual general assemblies. The upcoming meeting in Vienna will be the last one. “It’s a general problem and has nothing to do with less interest by the scientific community”, Mrs Elena Weichenbergert from the organizing committee said. “We always had an increasing number of registrations, and the scientific level was high in every meeting.” According to EGU officials, the meeting just became too expensive over the last years. more