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  • This was the Fucino15 meeting – part III

    In the last two posts I have reported on the scientific sessions of the Fucino15 conference and on the first of the field trips. This post is about the L’Aquila field trip. I haven’t been to this city before and I was curious to see the place that sadly became so famous in earthquake science. I was surprised by how many heavily damaged buildings were still standing and by the overwhelming amount of historical buildings that await their reconstruction. We were given a great tour through the Palazzo Ardinghelli which is currently being rebuilt, then we had a look at the worst-affected parts of the city. Here’s a report in images. more

  • This was the Fucino15 meeting – part I

    Phew, this was an intense week and a great one too! The Fucino15 meeting on paleoseismology, active tectonics and archaeoseismology is over and hopefully everyone safely arrived back home. Here’s a brief report on some of the science that happened at the meeting. Since we had ~50 oral presentations, only an overview is possible here. In the following days I’ll add more details about the field trips. A big thank you to the Italian organizing team who did an amazing job – grazie mille! more

  • Fucino2015 conference – Program out now!

    The most important paleoseismology event of the year is just a few days ahead and we’re all excited to meet in sunny Italy. The 6th INQUA International Workshop on Active Tectonics Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology will be held from 19-24 April 2015 in Pescina, Fucino Basin, Italy. The meeting will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the devastating 1915 Fucino earthquake. Make sure to check the final program which is now available for download at the meeting website: download here (PDF, 9 mb).


  • Guest blog by Elisa Kagan: New book on the Dead Sea Transform

    A new book on the Dead Sea Transform has been published by Springer:


    Together with Prof. Zvi Garfunkel and Prof. Zvi Ben-Avraham, I am a co-editor of this book. The book focuses on various aspects of the fault system, from geophysics, to tectonics, paleolimnology, hydrology, seismicity, and PALEOSEISMICITY. Most relevant to this blog are the papers by Agnon and by Marco & Klinger.

    • Shmulik Marco and Yann Klinger review in a new light the on-fault paleoseismic studies carried out along the DST.
    • Amotz Agnon delves into the off-fault seismite archives (lake, cave).

    Here is a link to the book on the Springer site:


  • New paleoseismology papers

    It’s been a while since the last update on paleoseismology literature. BSSA’s latest issue has some interesting studies that you should check, and there’s even more to discover. Also, there is some new work on (paleo-)tsunamis and historic large earthquakes. If you feel that important new papers are missing, drop us a mail! more

  • Free book: Catalogue of the geological effects of earthquakes in Spain (in Spanish)

    Spain may not be as famous for its earthquakes as Greece, Turkey or Italy, but significant events do shake the western part of the Mediterranean, too. Numerous paleoseismological and archaeoseismological studies as well as research on historical quakes have been undertaken on the Iberian peninsula. A new book was now published by the IGME which collects all the information currently available on the geological effects of earthquakes in Spain. The book is in Spanish and available for free download here:

    The catalogue includes 44 quakes between 218 BC and AD 2011.


  • 1st circular out now for the 6th INQUA paleoseismology workshop in Fucino, Italy, 19-24 April 2015

    The 6th INQUA workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology will be held from 19-24 April, 2015, in Pescina, Fucino Basin, Italy.

    We will remember the centenary of the 1915 M7 Fucino earthquake, that was one of the largest and most devastating earthquakes ever occurred in Central Italy.


  • 5th PATA Days in Busan – abstract volume and field trip guide available for download

    The 5th PATA Days have been a great experience. We had lots of interesting science and discussions, great field trips, wonderful social events and a quite thoroughly insight into Korean cuisine. It was for sure the best organized PATA Days meeting that took place so far – many thanks and congratulations to Prof. Young-Seog Kim, Dr. Jin-Hyuck Choi and the fantastic Korean organizing team.

    If you want to download the abstract volume and the field trips guide, here are the free download links: more

  • 5 th PATA Days in Busan, Korea, news from the meeting, field trips

    The second day of the meeting revealed very nice and interesting talks of the Korean geologists and paleoseismologists, which was an excellent preparation for the upcoming post-meeting field trips on the following days. Talker of the day was Dr Tom Rockwell, he gave three talks and lectures, however one as replacement for Bill Lettis, who wasn´t able to come to Korea. Before dinner a traditional Korean drum and percussion show opened our ears and eyes for this beautiful and sometimes mysterious country. This closing dinner outside Busan was very special, in a kind of museum with a terracotta choir of a million voices, and…. more

  • 5 th PATA Days in Busan, Korea, news from the meeting

    Yesterday and today is the time of the lectures and talks, after the introducing field excursion as Christoph has reported. Yesterday evening we waved goodbye to Christoph with a couple of beers, he already needed to leave for another meeting in Durham, UK, early.  We started yesterday morning with keynotes by John Suppe on folding and fold scarps and Vincent Cronin on his SLAM project (the seismo-lineament analysis method, visit his webpage for more information). more