Posts in the category »   «  ( 286 Posts )

  • New paper: Why geomorphic indices often fail in active tectonics studies

    Geomorphic indices can tell us about the tectonic activity of an area. The idea is that the landscape records the signal of active tectonics, for example in its river network, in its erosion pattern, or in its roughness. Geomorphic indices allow us to quantify this, that is, we can use standard algorithms to calculate numbers from a DEM that say ‘active’ or ‘inactive’. This is very attractive because essentially, all that is needed is a DEM and a GIS (and perhaps MATLAB). The number of papers on geomorphic indices is currently exploding, and I guess the fact that the method is so cheap and easy to apply plays a major role in that. No expensive field work, still meaningful results. But is this always true? In a new open access paper, we argue that without ground checking, probably not, at least in many cases.

  • Winter School On Active Tectonics And Climate Change Driven Landscape Evolution

    INQUA TERPRO‘s project Lemon will run a winter school on “Active Tectonics And Climate Change Driven Landscape Evolution” from 16-19 January, 2023, in Palermo, Sicily.

    1. During the 16th and 17th of January, there will be talks by young and experienced researchers. Attendants are invited to share research and gather helpful tips and new collaborations through Pico-Talks (a 5-minute speech followed by an interactive Q&A session).
    2. During two days of fieldwork, experienced researchers will show crucial locations in western Sicily (the 18thand 19th of January).

      To date, scheduled field trips are:

    • Relative sea-level changes evidence in the Vito Peninsula (led by Fabrizio Antonioli);
    • Active tectonics and its interaction with sea level changes in South Western Sicily (led by Luigi Ferranti & Pierfrancesco Burrato);
    • Archaeo-seismological evidence of historical earthquakes within the Archaeological Park of Segesta (led by Carla Bottari).

    Please follow the link for detailed information on the Winter School:


  • These were the PATA Days 2022 in France

    Finally, after Posidi, Greece, 2018, we had a successful PATA Days meeting! The meeting in 2019 was cancelled due to organisational problems and we held a student summer school instead in Prague. All plans were set for Chile in 2020, but it had to be cancelled twice because of Covid-19. Now it finally happened! The organisers Magali Rizza and Stéphane Baize and their wonderful team took us to Aix-en-Provence…

    Make sure to scroll down to learn about the future of PATA!


  • New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics, and archaeoseismology (Jan 2022)

    Happy New Year everyone! May 2022 bring you health and joy, and may you always encounter nice reviewers and great outcrops. Enjoy reading our latest selection of active tectonics & paleoseismology papers.

  • New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (June 2021)

    Better late than never – here are the latest papers! Enjoy reading and let me know if I have missed anything.

  • Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe – a workshop: 23 March, 2021

    The 2021 meeting on “Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe“ will take place on 23 March, 2021. These meetings were held before traditionally in several countries, this year it will be held  via Zoom. The meeting used to be organised in the Euregio area, Aachen/NRW, Belgium and the Netherlands, but is now opened up to include more regions, as there is a joint topic that connects many places: intraplate tectonics.

  • New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Mar 2021)

    Today’s list is again very long. It contains a lot of really cool stuff from Central Europe and the Alps, and many interesting studies from China and Central Asia. Connoisseurs of American tectonics will also be happy I promise. Plus, quite a number of papers on methods and earthquake/fault physics in general. Enjoy reading!

  • Postdoc position in Upper Plate Deformation at UNAM, Mexico City

    The following open position might be of interest to the Active tectonics and
    Paleoseismology community:

    UNAM is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant for a 12 month fixed term appointment working on the exciting UNAM-CONACYT-funded project on “Spatial and Temporal Variations of Upper Plate Deformation across the Guerrero portion of the Mexican Subduction Zone” at the Institute of Geography and the Tsunami and Paleoseismology Laboratory, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City Campus. The candidate will pursue fundamental and applied research into the assessment of both temporal and spatial vertical crustal deformation associated with both slow (interseismic) and rapid (coseismic) crustal deformation across the inner forearc region of the central Mexican subduction zone on the Guerrero sector, where the Cocos plate underthrusts the North American plate. The candidate will be responsible for the development and execution of laboratory and field research, conduct studies to develop a model of long-term deformation, coseismic deformation and earthquake/tsunami chronology, writing reports and papers.

  • Special Issue – The 20th anniversary of the Eastern Marmara Earthquakes: Active tectonics of continental strike-slip faults

    A Special Issue on continental strike-slip faults is planned in Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, a new Springer journal: The 20th anniversary of the Eastern Marmara Earthquakes: Active tectonics of continental strike-slip faults

    […] continental strike-slip faults are complex structures on which the deformation is commonly distributed among a number of parallel to subparallel fault strands, making them in places significantly different in behaviour from their oceanic counterparts.

    Thus, the goal of this issue is to publish a collection of high-quality papers on active tectonics of continental strike-slip faults around the globe using various disciplines, including but not limited to, tectonic geomorphology, paleoseismology, structural geology, crustal deformation, tectonic geodesy and seismology of continental strike-slip faults.

  • This was the INQUA Summer School on Active Tectonics and Tectonic Geomorphology in Prague

    The INQUA Summer School on Active Tectonics and Tectonic Geomorphology was held in Prague from 24-27 September, 2019. This summer school was run by INQUA‘s IFG EGSHaz as part of the TERPRO commission. The event was hosted by the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Dpt. Neotectonics and Thermochronology. Main organizer was IFG co-leader Petra Štěpančíková. We would also like to thank MSc. Jakub Stemberk, Monika Hladká, Jana Šreinová, the deputy director Dr. Filip Hartvich, and all the staff involved for their professionalism and warm hospitality. Overall, 50 participants and 14 lecturers from 25 countries participated in the summer school.
