The 1988 Spitak Earthquake with a magnitude of MS6.8 took the life of thousands of people and caused widespread devastation in Armenia. It also ruptured the surface and is one of the best-studied seismic events in the entire Caucasus region. 30 years after the catastrophe, an conference will be held in Yerevan, Armenia, from 3-7 December: “30 years after Spitak Earthquake: Experience and Perspectives“. The meeting will also include a field trip to the epicentral area. Full conference fee is USD 200. Download the flyer here (pdf, 655 KB). The form for the expression of interest is here (docx, 19 KB). more
Posts in the category » Meeting « ( 123 Posts )
Conference “30 years after Spitak Earthquake: Experience and Perspectives”, 3-7 Dec, 2018, Yerevan
2018-03-08 | in Earthquake, Meeting -
Int’l Palaeoseismological Field Workshop ‘Soft-sediment deformation structures & palaeoseismic phenomena in the SE Baltic Region’ – 2nd announcement out now
The 2nd announcement for the International Palaeoseismological Field Workshop ‘Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region’ is out now. Download the PDF here and check this website for more informatin on the project. The workshop will be held from 17 – 21 September, 2018, and is organised by the Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuanian Geological Society, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and Klaipėda University.
International workshop in Patras, Greece (13 June 2018): 10 years after the 2008 Movri Mtn Earthquake
2018-01-26 | in Meeting | one response2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the Movri Mtn Earthquake in Greece. A workshop will be held in Patras on the 13 June, 2018, with a field trip to the Movri Mtn epicentral area (geology, geomorphology, geodesy, earthquake effects). The trip is organised by the Department of Geology, University of Patras, Greece, in conjunction with the Tectonics Committee of the Geological Society of Greece. more
3rd IGCP 639 meeting, 16-23 September, 2018 – Sea Level Change from Minutes to Millennia
2018-01-16 | in MeetingThe 3rd annual IGCP 639 meeting will take place from 16-23 September, 2018, in Italy. IGCP project 639 deals with Sea Level Change from Minutes to Millennia. The meeting will cover all IGCP related science such as sea level, climate change, tectonics, earthquakes, tsunami, and coastal inundation.
It’s a joint meeting with INQUA project CMP1701P “Late Quaternary record of coastal inundation due to earth surface deformation, tsunami and storms”, CMP1601P “HOLSEA” and CMP1603P “MOPP-MEDFLOOD”. Two days of scientific sessions at Taranto University will be followed by a four-day field trip to Catania. more -
Iberfault 2018 meeting: 11-13 June, 2018, Alicante
2018-01-12 | in Meeting | 2 responsesThe next Iberfault meeting will be held in Alicante, Spain, from 11-13 June, 2018. After the meeting, Pablo Silva and Jorge Giner will lead a field trip to see the geological effects of the Estubeny and Tavernes historical earthquakes. more
EGU session “Paleoseismicity, active faulting, surface deformation, and the implications on seismic hazard assessment (Fault2SHA)”
2018-01-04 | in MeetingDear colleagues,
we wish you a Happy New Year and would like to advertise our session on “Paleoseismicity, active faulting, surface deformation, and the implications on seismic hazard assessment (Fault2SHA)” at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna (April 8-13, 2018). Please consider submitting an abstract before the deadline on Wednesday, 10 January 2018, 13:00 Central European Time. Please consider contributing with your studies by submitting your abstract here:
more -
6th Int’l Colloquium Historical earthquakes & paleoseismology, 24-26 Oct, 2018, Han-sur-Lesse (BEL)
2017-12-14 | in MeetingThe 6th International Colloquium on Historical earthquakes & paleoseismology studies will be held from 24-25 October, 2018, in Han-sur-Lesse (Belgium). The meeting will focus on the contribution of paleoseismology/hist. seismology studies to the knowledge of the long-term seismic activity and to seismic hazard assessment.
On 26 October, 2018, a field trip will lead to the Han-sur-Lesse and Rochefort caves. The meeting will be organised by the Royal Observatory of Belgium. more
Paleoseismology sessions at the LACSC/SSA Seismology of the Americas meeting, 14-17 May, 2018, Miami, FL
2017-12-11 | in MeetingThe 2018 SSA meeting was planned to take place in Puerto Rico in April as a joint meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) and the Seismological Society of America (SSA). After hurricane Maria hit the island earlier this year, the decision was made to move to Miami, FL and to run the meeting from 14-17 May, 2018.A number of exciting sessions will deal with active tectonics and paleoseismology: -
Summer School on rockslides and related phenomena 15-30 August, 2018, in Kyrgyzstan
Our colleague Alexander Strom informed us that the 12th Kokomeren Summer School on rockslides and related phenomena (Kyrgyzstan) will take place from 15-30 August , 2018. The announcement and a detailed, full-color guidebook could be downloaded here:
and here: (GUIDEBOOK)
Thanks a lot, Alexander!
Those were the PATA Days in New Zealand
More than 130 participants from 21 different countries, about one third of which ECRs and/or DCRs, participated in the 8th PATA Days in New Zealand. The meeting started with an icebreaker on 12 November, followed by a field trip on 13 November to visit the northern surface ruptures of the M7.8 earthquake of November 2016. After that, three days were devoted to scientific presentations, poster sessions, and discussion. A public lecture by Phaedra Upton, Daniela Pantosti, Ursula Cochran, Caroline Orchiston, and Tom Rockwell attracted a large number of Blenheim residents. more