The 2021 meeting on “Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe“ will take place on 23 March, 2021. These meetings were held before traditionally in several countries, this year it will be held via Zoom. The meeting used to be organised in the Euregio area, Aachen/NRW, Belgium and the Netherlands, but is now opened up to include more regions, as there is a joint topic that connects many places: intraplate tectonics.
Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe – a workshop: 23 March, 2021
2021-03-15 | in Meeting -
New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Mar 2021)
2021-03-02 | in PaperToday’s list is again very long. It contains a lot of really cool stuff from Central Europe and the Alps, and many interesting studies from China and Central Asia. Connoisseurs of American tectonics will also be happy I promise. Plus, quite a number of papers on methods and earthquake/fault physics in general. Enjoy reading!
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Online webinar by Ray Weldon & Kanatbek Abdrakhmatov: How better geology can improve seismic hazard estimates in Kyrgyzstan – 22 Feb 2021
2021-02-16 | in Events | one responseRay Weldon from the University of Oregon will talk about How better geology can improve seismic hazard estimates in Kyrgyzstan. The webinar is open for everyone interested and will be held via zoom ( Meeting-ID: 894 188 7790; Password: 820815).
Date: 22 February, 2021
Time: 3 pm GMT (7 am San Francisco; 3 pm London; 4 pm Berlin & Paris; 8:30 pm Delhi; 9 pm Almaty; 11 pm Beijing)
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EGU2021 Late-Breaking session: “The Dec. 2020 earthquake sequence in Petrinja, Croatia, and its seismotectonic and geodynamic environments”
2021-02-14 | in Earthquake, MeetingFollowing the 2020-12-29 magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Croatia, a late breaking session was accepted by EGU. The session The Dec. 2020 earthquake sequence in Petrinja, Croatia, and its seismotectonic and geodynamic environments will be convened by Stéphane Baize, Sara Amoroso, Lucilla Benedetti, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Branko Kordić, Snjezana Markušić, and Bruno Pace. The deadline for abstracts is 28 February, 2021. Abstracts need to be send to the conveners by email. You’ll find the email addresses on the session website.
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Job opportunities in neotectonics, Bureau of Reclamation in Colorado
2021-02-08 | in JobsThe Seismology and Geomorphology group at Bureau of Reclamation in Denver, CO, has just posted announcements for jobs in neotectonics for geologists. These jobs will close when they have received 125 applications. See all details here:
and here:
New results from the GREBAL Project – Traces of Pleistocene earthquakes in the Baltic Basin
| in Earthquake, Field work | one responseThe recognition of sedimentological traces of earthquakes in the form of seismites within Pleistocene sediments is the main objective of the GREBAL project (Recognition of traces left by earthquakes in Pleistocene sediments affected by glacio- isostatic rebound in the Baltic Sea Basin). The investigations focus primarily on Poland, Germany, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Project leader Małgorzata (Gosia) Pisarska-Jamroży has summed up new results from this international research effort.
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New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Feb 2021)
2021-02-02 | in PaperThis time we have a lot of papers on the active tectonics of the Americas, especially along their west coast. Of course on the west coast you say? Sure, but the recent M5.6 in Guyana, a shallow thrust event in a seemingly aseismic area, reminded us that such quakes can basically happen everywhere and at any time – they are just rare and hard to find in the geological record. Enjoy reading!
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28–17 Ma old uplifted marine terraces in the Dinarides
2021-01-29 | in PaperIn 2018, back then when we didn’t even knew about Covid-19, I was sitting in a little restaurant in Slovenia with my happy field team. We were exhausted from another long day of geophysical surveys for our active tectonics project and quite thirsty. A colleague of mine, Philipp Balling, had just finished his field work in Croatia and was on his way north to join us for a few days before he would continue to Jena. He arrived late that evening and we had a great time catching up with each others stories from the field. He showed me a few photos, one of them displaying a huge, flat area at the Croatian coast. I was immediately alerted and asked if the Croatian coast was uplifting, because this thing looked like a marine abrasion platform to me. We chatted about uplifted marine terraces until long after midnight, and this is how the story of this paper began.
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Postdoc position in Upper Plate Deformation at UNAM, Mexico City
2021-01-14 | in JobsThe following open position might be of interest to the Active tectonics and
Paleoseismology community:
moreUNAM is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant for a 12 month fixed term appointment working on the exciting UNAM-CONACYT-funded project on “Spatial and Temporal Variations of Upper Plate Deformation across the Guerrero portion of the Mexican Subduction Zone” at the Institute of Geography and the Tsunami and Paleoseismology Laboratory, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City Campus. The candidate will pursue fundamental and applied research into the assessment of both temporal and spatial vertical crustal deformation associated with both slow (interseismic) and rapid (coseismic) crustal deformation across the inner forearc region of the central Mexican subduction zone on the Guerrero sector, where the Cocos plate underthrusts the North American plate. The candidate will be responsible for the development and execution of laboratory and field research, conduct studies to develop a model of long-term deformation, coseismic deformation and earthquake/tsunami chronology, writing reports and papers.
古地震学: “Paleoseismology” by Jim McCalpin now available in Chinese
2021-01-12 | in, PaperJim McCalpin’s famous “Paleoseismology” is now also available in Chinese. The book was translated by Xu Yueren, Li Wenqiao, and Du Peng.
- Price: 300 Yuan
- ISBN: 978-7-116-12228-4
- Printed in Beijing, October 2020
- Details and where to buy it:
By the way, “Палеосейсмология” is also available in Russian: