The second circular for the TERPRO INQUA summer school on Active Faults and Volcano-Tectonics, 25-28 Sept., 2023, in Naples, Italy has been published.
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2nd circular for the TERPRO INQUA summer school on Active Faults and Volcano-Tectonics
2023 International Summer School on Rockslides and Related Phenomena in the Kokomeren River Basin (Kyrgyzstan) (ICL Kokomeren Summer School)
2022-12-19 | in Field workAlexander Strom and Kanatbek Abdrakhmatov will run their famous summer school again after it had to be cancelled due to Covid-19. The summer school is designed for students and will take place from 14-29 August, 2023, in Kyrgyzstan. The topics include mass movements, neotectonics, and geomorphology in the epicentral area of the M7.2 1992 Suusamyr Earthquake. Find all the details in the announcement below.
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This was the INQUA Summer School on Active Tectonics and Tectonic Geomorphology in Prague
The INQUA Summer School on Active Tectonics and Tectonic Geomorphology was held in Prague from 24-27 September, 2019. This summer school was run by INQUA‘s IFG EGSHaz as part of the TERPRO commission. The event was hosted by the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Dpt. Neotectonics and Thermochronology. Main organizer was IFG co-leader Petra Štěpančíková. We would also like to thank MSc. Jakub Stemberk, Monika Hladká, Jana Šreinová, the deputy director Dr. Filip Hartvich, and all the staff involved for their professionalism and warm hospitality. Overall, 50 participants and 14 lecturers from 25 countries participated in the summer school.
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Registration now open for the INQUA Int’l Summer School on Tectonics & Tectonic Geomorphology, 24-27 Sep, 2019, Prague
Register here for the INQUA International Summer School on Tectonics and Tectonic
Geomorphology, 24-27 Sep 2019, Prague:
ECR & DCR travel grants are also available! Note that no accommodation will be organised in Prague, but one night is included during the field trip.
1st circular: INQUA Int’l Summer School on Active Tectonics & Tectonic Geomorphology in Prague, 24-27 September 2019
The INQUA Focus Group on Earthquake Geology and Seismic Hazards (EGSHaz) will run the International Summer School on Active Tectonics and Tectonic Geomorphology in Prague from 24-27 September, 2019. This event replaces the PATA Days this year and aims mainly at MSc./PhD students and Early Career Researchers. Please note that this is not a classical PATA Days event where new science will be shown and discussed. The summer school is organized by the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences and the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science. Please find a pdf of the first circular here.
Summer School on rockslides and related phenomena 15-30 August, 2018, in Kyrgyzstan
Our colleague Alexander Strom informed us that the 12th Kokomeren Summer School on rockslides and related phenomena (Kyrgyzstan) will take place from 15-30 August , 2018. The announcement and a detailed, full-color guidebook could be downloaded here:
and here: (GUIDEBOOK)
Thanks a lot, Alexander!
GSGS Summer School on Dates and Rates of Change in the Quaternary, August 2016, Cologne, Germany
An interesting summer school will be held near Cologne, Germany, from 21-27 August 2016. The GSGS Summer School on Dates and Rates of Change in the Quaternary is devoted to teach all different kinds of Quaternary dating methods such as Ar/Ar, cosmogenic nuclides, luminescence, palaeolimnology, palaeomagnetism, radiocarbon and tephrochronology. It is designed for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and advanced master’s students in geosciences and will be held in English. Deadline for application is 10 June. The workshop is free for all accepted participants. The summer school is funded through the Institutional Strategy of the University of Cologne and supported by the Geoverbund ABC/J. That’s a great opportunity, make sure to apply before it’s too late!
Thanks to Silke for spreading the news.
What’s up? The Friday links (82)
2015-06-12 | in The Friday LinksToday is Friday and here are your links on human-caused earthquakes, induced aseismic slip, typesetting costs, flash flood video footage, and more!
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Summer Course in Iceland 2013
2013-02-28 | in TeachingThe following mail reached us today:
“A new International Graduate Summer Course in Iceland 2013:
Iceland, 30 May – 21 June 2013