While compiling the monthly paper round-up, I will of course miss some publications. This may be because I was in the field when the papers were published, because I don’t have an alert for the journals, or because my alerts didn’t include the right key words. For example, I missed a couple of 2017 papers by our colleagues from Mainz: more
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Papers on harbours & archaeoseismology in the Med
2017-09-05 | in Paper -
Special Issue in QI – Quaternary Earthquakes: Geology & Palaeoseismology for Seismic Hazard Assessment
| in Italy 2015, Meeting, Paper, PATA daysDear friends and colleagues,
We are happy to announce that our Special Issue from the 2015 PATA Days in Fucino is finally published in Quaternary International. This wonderful workshop commemorated the centenary of the 1915 Fucino Earthquake, and
we have seen some great active faults in the Central Apennines
and palaeoseismological research sites during the field trips. The meeting was organized by ISPRA, INGV and University of Insubria and promoted by INQUA TERPRO. more -
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Sep 2017)
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Jul 2017)
2017-07-01 | in PaperDear friends of active tectonics and paleoseismology,
Although the PATA Days in New Zealand are still five months away, it will be a long flight for most of us and I suggest to think about a good read on the plane already. Below you will find the latest publications that you may find interesting. If you prefer a good old hardcover book, why not buy Minoan Earthquakes right now? Enjoy reading! more
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Apr 2017)
2017-04-04 | in PaperToday in the paper round-up (April 2017): Active Tectonics of the Makran, postseismic deformation at Bam, active faults and paleoseismology in Italy, Switzerland & Alaska, the first papers on the Kaikoura earthquake, tsunamis in Chile and the Western Mediterranean, and faults in Mexico. Enjoy reading! more
Call for papers: TECTONICS Spec. Iss. “The 2016 Central Italy Seismic Sequence: Insights, implications and lessons learned”
2017-03-05 | in PaperOur colleague Lucilla Benedetti (CEREGE, France) distributed the following call for papers on the recent earthquake series in Central Italy:
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite contributions to a special volume entitled « The 2016 Central Italy Seismic Sequence: Insights, implications and lessons learned » that will be published in Tectonics AGU journal (details here).
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Mar 2017)
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Feb 2017)
2017-02-01 | in PaperThis year has already seen a good amount of publications that might be interesting for the paleoseismicity community. Since it’s still rather unpleasant outside (at least here in the UK), why not lean back in your comfy chair, drink a cup of tea and read some exciting new science? Today we have interesting papers on old earthquakes, seismic hazard, paleoseismology, speleoseismology, the ESI-scale, fault physics, tsunamis, and space geodesy. Plus, tectonic lunomorphology – fault scarps on the moon. Enjoy reading! more
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Jan 2017)
2017-01-02 | in PaperI wish you a successful and wonderful new year 2017! May you find impressive faults and good outcrops, may your trenches always be in the right place, and may your samples return good results. If 2017 brings you something that would be of interest to the paleoseismicity.org community, please let us know. In the mean time, enjoy those reads: more
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Dec 2016)
2016-12-01 | in Paper | one responseA continuous flow of images from the New Zealand earthquake reaches the earthquake geology community, and we’re probably all amazed by the coseismic offsets and other earthquake effects. However, the flow of papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics also does not stop and here is my digest for December. Enjoy reading!