Our colleague Petra Jamšek Rupnik from the Geological Survey of Slovenia sent us this interesting meeting announcement. The conference will focus on geological hazards, including active tectonics in Croatia and adjacent areas. Plus, there will be an interesting field trip to Croatia and Slovenia:
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5th Regional Meeting on Quaternary Geology dedicated to Geohazards, Croatia
2nd field meeting of the Argentinian Association for Quaternary and Geomorphology
2016-05-09 | in MeetingThe 2nd field meeting of the Argentinian Association for Quaternary and Geomorphology (Reunión de CAMPO de la Asociacion Argentina de Cuaternario y Geomorfología) will be held from 6-8 October, 2016, in San Juan. The conference covers all aspects of Quaternary and geomorphological research, including neotectonics, paleoseismology, natural hazards, and tectonic geomorphology. Check the Facebook page for more information or download the 3rd circular here (pdf). The registration form is available here (doc). All inquiries should be directed to reuniongeomorfologiasanjuan@gmail.com.
PhD position at RWTH Aachen (Germany): Neotectonics, GIS & Remote Sensing
2015-11-12 | in Jobs | one responseRWTH Aachen University seeks, as soon as possible,
a geoscientist (f/m) with a background in neotectonics, GIS and Remote Sensing skills for a PhD position in the research project ALMOND („Albania and Montenegro Neotectonic Deformation“). This project is a collaboration between RWTH Aachen University and the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). -
5th PATA Days in Busan – registration deadline extended to 20 June
2014-06-08 | in Busan 2014, MeetingDear friends and colleagues,
The deadline for registration of the 5th PATA-days meeting is extended to June 20, and for abstract submission to the end of June.
The 5th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA Days) will take place in Busan, Korea from 21-27 September 2014. Already some 75 scientists from all around the world have registered for this meeting – be the next one and don’t miss the latest news on old earthquakes.See details on the official website: www.pata-days.org.
Please don’t miss the last chance to visit dynamic Korea!
Special Issue “Geology and Archaeology of Earthquakes” in Cuaternario y Geomorfología
2014-01-21 | in PaperA special issue on “Geology and Archaeology of Earthquakes” has currently been published in Cuaternario y Geomorfología (Quaternary and Geomoprhology, ISSN: 0214-1744), which is the official journal of the Spanish Quaternary Union (AEQUA) and the Spanish Geomorphological Society (SEG): Vol 27, No 3-4 (2013) – Geología y Arqueología de Terremotos. The issue includes an introduction and ten research papers on earthquake geology and archaeoseismology of the Iberian Peninsula. Most papers are in English, few in Spanish. more
Three new papers: paleotsunamis, neotectonics in Greece; ESI2007 in Slovenia
2012-06-06 | in PaperThree papers published recently caught my eyes. First, Andrej Gosar investigated the earthquake environmental effects (EEEs) of the 12 April 1998 Mw =5.6 Krn Mountains earthquake, Slovenia. The quake measured VII-VIII on the EMS-98 scale, and Andrej found that the intensities reached the same values on the ESI2007 scale. He reports that the intensity distributions for both scales are comparable, but show some differences due to the sparsely populated epicentral area. The research concentrated on rockfalls for EEE determination. It’s a nice example that also moderate events can be characterized using the ESI2007 scale.
Excursion and field work in Greece – landslides, rock falls, fault scarps
2012-03-12 | in Teaching | 3 responsesSince ten days I am in Greece now with a dozen of students. We started with an excursion in the western Peloponessus area and had a look at the regional tectonics, sedimentology (mainly Neogene Flysch units and young beach rocks), the large limestone horsts of Gavrovo and Ionian units, Ancient Olympia and recent mass movements. Then we began with field work for BSc, MSc and PhD theses. more
Back from field work in Oman
2012-02-22 | in paleoseismicity.org, TeachingKlaus, Ben, Sascha and me went to visit our colleague Gösta at the GUtech in the Sultanate of Oman. We did some fieldwork for our project which deals with coastal changes. Parts of the Omani coast subside, others appear to be stable or are even uplifted. This might be due to large scaled crustal movements (the Makran Subduction zone is nearby) and/or regional effects. We are trying to find good proxies for reconstructing the Holocene sealevel and climate changes. Additionally, we need to get a grip on the neotectonics that affect the coastal areas. more
Paleoseismology, archeoseismology and earthquakes at the EGU2012
2012-01-30 | in EarthquakeNow that the abstract submission deadline has passed you might be interested in somehow paleoseismicity-related sessions at the EGU2012. I decided to group the session by topic and my choice is absolutely based on personal interests. Sorry if I don’t mention every earthquake-related session.
Job offer: Assistant professor position available at UNAM
2012-01-18 | in TeachingJob Description
The Geosciences Center at the National Autonomous University of Mexico invites applications for Assistant Professor/Researcher Position with expertise in Paleoseismology and Neotectonics. Applicants are required to have a PhD, basic knowledge of Spanish (no fluency is needed), and expertise in field-based Paleoseismology or closely related fields. Applicants with some experience in Landslides effects and evaluation are particularly encouraged.