The 2025 Hokudan meeting on active faulting was held online this year from 23-25 January. It was organised by our friend Koji Okumura. The abstract volume is now available for download here: Check it out, there’s some truly cool stuff, for example a trench with a 1700 year-old human skull in it…
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Abstract volume for the 2025 Hokudan meeting available
2025-02-11 | in Meeting -
IASPEI Symposium on paleoseismology & paleotsunami studies, Kobe, Japan, 30 July – 4 August, 2017
2017-02-02 | in MeetingThe Joint Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) will be held in Kobe, Japan from 30 July – 4 August, 2017. Among the scientific sessions, there will be an IASPEI Symposium on paleoseismology and paleotsunami studies.
Short Course in Structural Geology and Tectonics of Hokkaido
2017-01-23 | in Field work, TeachingAn interesting post-grad student training course will be held from 26 June – 7 July, 2017, at Hokkaido University:Structural Geology and Tectonics of Hokkaido: Geometric principles, and the relationship between active and ancient deformation.During this course you will learn how geologic structures, developed from microscopic to map scale, reflect the rates, directions, and mechanics of past and contemporary plate tectonics and deformation. You will also hone your three-dimensional perception and skills through practical applications. -
Postdoctoral fellowship in coastal paleoseismology/Quaternary environmental change in Belgium
2016-11-26 | in JobsThe Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – Geological Survey of Belgium, invites applicants for a research fellowship (postdoctoral level) in coastal paleoseismology/Quaternary environmental change. It will be a 1.5 year contract (January/February 2017- June 2018). Here’s the job advert: more
Earthquake Geology of the 16 April, 2016, Kumamoto Earthquake – report by Koji Okumura
2016-04-24 | in Earthquake, PaperOn 16 April an earthquake of magnitude Mw7.0 hit the district of Kumamoto, Kyushu Island, Japan. The quake was preceeded by a Mw6.1 foreshock one day before. It occurred on the ENE striking, right lateral Futagawa-Hinagu fault zone. Our colleague Koji Okumura from Hiroshima University has prepared a short report on this surface-rupturing event. Download the report here (PDF, 612 kb). The report will be continuously revised and corrected, so check for regular updates. Thanks Koji for providing this summary!
Surface ruptures of the 1891 Nobi earthquake
2015-08-21 | in Earthquake, MeetingAt the XIX INQUA congress in Japan I had the chance to see the surface ruptures of the 1891 Nobi earthquake during the mid-congress excursion M-2. This quake caused huge damage, but more interestingly for me, it produced amazing surface ruptures which are preserved even more than a hundred years after the event. The M7.5-M8 quake occurred in a mountainous area and was mainly strike-slip (more than 8 m!), but significant vertical uplift was found at step-overs. In 1991, the wonderful Neodani Fault Museum opened to the public, its main attraction being a paleoseismological trench exhibiting more than 5 m of vertical offset! Simply astonishing. Thanks to Atsumasa Okada, Heitaro Kaneda and Keitaro for this great excursion! more
TERPRO business meeting at the INQUA2015 congress in Nagoya
2015-06-29 | in MeetingThe INQUA 2015 congress in Nagoya will not only be the place to catch up with latest science news, but also to elect new commissions and project leaders and to plan and co-ordinate the ongoing activities for the inter-congress period. Therefore, think about joining the relevant business meeting! INQUA is organized in several commissions, of which TERPRO (Terrestrial Processes) is the one which covers paleoseismology, active tectonics and tectonic geomorphology. The IFG Palacte (Int’l Focus Group Paleosesimology/active tectonics) is a sub-organization of TERPRO itself. The TERPRO Business Meeting will be held on the evening (19:00-20:30) of Tue, 28 July in room 431, and will focus on the new Commission structure and programs for the intercongress period 2015 – 2019. more
Upcoming deadlines for INQUA2015 and Fucino2015
2015-01-06 | in Italy 2015, Meeting, PATA daysJanuary seems to be the month of deadlines. Abstracts for the EGU2015 must be submitted until 7 January and there are two more deadlines that readers should consider: more
Hokudan 2015 International Symposium on Active Faulting,12-17 January
Paleoseismology sessions at the XIX INQUA 2015, Nagoya, Japan
2014-11-26 | in MeetingThe EEE Metrics Project & IFG Paleoseismology and Active Tectonics will host two paleoseismology sessions at the XIX INQUA 2015 in Japan. The congress will be held in Nagoya from 27 July – 2 August. Deadline for abstract submission and travel grant application is 20 December, 2014, deadline for early bird registration is 28 February 2015. more