Posts in the category »   «  ( 56 Posts )

  • 11 PhD positions in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network “TREAD: daTa and pRocessess in sEismic hAzarD” project

    Call for application of 11 PhD positions in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network “TREAD: daTa and pRocessess in sEismic hAzarD” project:

    Deadline for applications: April 15, 2023

    All PhD positions shall start the latest by October 31, 2023.

    The aim of TREAD is to train a new generation of researchers to tackle the challenges of earthquake forecasting in complex tectonic settings using integrated observations and physics.

  • New papers on paleoseismology, earthquakes, and active tectonics (Nov. 2021)

    This months we have a lot of studies on Mediterranean tectonics, first of all from Italy, and many papers on China and the US. Besides, there are some interesting methodological studies and research from areas that had recent seismic crises such as Puerto Rico and Thessaly. Enjoy reading!

  • New paper on surface-rupturing earthquakes on the Dinaric Fault System, Slovenia

    Western Slovenia hosts well-known active strike-slip faults, which accommodate the northward motion of the Adriatic Plate. So far, very little was known about large earthquakes on those faults. This is mainly due to the low slip rates. In a new paper we present geomorphological, geophysical, and paleoseismological data from the Idrija and Predjama Faults, which are among the longest faults in the area. We show that tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology are really complicated in this kind of geological setting, but we also present data that indicate strong earthquakes during the Holocene. Here’s a short summary of what we did and what we found:

  • Paper: Using georadar and a mobile geoelectrics device to map shallow sediment distribution on a large scale

    [UPDATE 2017-05-14: The links now lead to the free version of the paper, available until 30 June.]

    Together with my colleagues I have published a new paper in which we describe a methodology for mapping the shallow architecture of large sedimentary basins with minimum effort and high resolution. We use two geophysical methods and combine them with point information from shallow drillings to identify different types of alluvial, fluvial, and aeolian sediments in the Orkhon Valley in Mongolia. We then show that our results fit well with a remote sensing approach. Although we did not target active faults in our study, the methodology is well suitable for detecting deformed/offset sediments without surface expression due to high erosion or sedimentation rates. That’s why I feel the study is of interest for the fault-hunting community. more

  • A Holocene surface rupture in Germany

    I am quite happy that our new paper has finally been published in GJI. We worked on a fault between Aachen and Cologne in Germany and found that there has been a surface rupturing earthquake less than 9000 years ago, and possibly not much older than 2500 years BP. The area is of interest also because in 1755/56 a series of damaging earthquakes hit Düren and its surroundings – these are the strongest historical events in Germany that we know of. The quakes were felt as far away as Berlin, Strasbourg, and London, yet there were no primary ruptures. “Our” quake must have been much stronger… more

  • What’s up? The Friday links (38)

    Annals of Geophysics (former Annali di Geofisica) published a special volume “Geoethics and geological culture. Reflections from the Geoitalia Conference 2011“. This is pretty interesting for us bloggers, topics include:

    • Geoethics and geological culture: methods, goals and values able to influence society
    • Geoethical implications in risks and geo-resources management
    • Communication and education related to geosciences in a geoethical perspective
    • Geoheritage and geodiversity as values for sustainability

    Even more interesting for me is a special issue yet to come: “The Emilia seismic sequence of May-June, 2012: preliminary data and results”. Paper submission deadline: July 22, 2012.  more

  • What’s up? The Friday links (22)

    Emil Wiechert was born 150 years ago (26 December 1861). He not only invented modern Geophysics and Seismology, but he also had the first chair of Geophysics worldwide (1898 in Göttingen, Germany). Wiechert became famous for his seismograph. Now the Deutsche Post released a special stamp showing Wiechert, his seismograph and the original seismogram of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake as registered in Göttingen, Germany!
