Our colleague Carlos Benavente Escóbar from the Instituto Geologico Minero Metalurgico (Peru) brought a book to my attention which was published in 2013: Neotectonics and seismic hazard of the Cusco Region. The book is in Spanish, but you will find it easy to understand what it’s about, because it is full of fascinating images of faults, fault scarps, seismites, liquefaction features, geological maps, and outcrop sketches. Have a look, it’s great! The book can be viewed online for free and is also available for download. more
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Neotectonics and seismic hazard of the Cusco Region, Peru
2015-11-21 | in Paper | one response -
Field work on active faults in Greece
2013-05-09 | in Centerfault, Teaching | 2 responsesI am currently in Greece for field work on faults in the vicinity of Athens. Sascha from RWTH Aachen University is doing his MSc. thesis on remote sensing, geophysical analyses, and mapping of some structures that we think could be active, and me and Ioannis are with him in the field for the first few days. Right on the first day we found some promising outcrops which we will map and check in detail during the next days. more
The Wednesday Centerfault (3)
2011-05-22 | in CenterfaultThis week´s Centerfault is the famous Arkitsa Fault in Greece (38.43°N, 23.00°E). Along this about 500 m long and locally more than 40 m high excavated limestone fault plane within Mesozoic platform carbonates are uplifted against Pliocene-Quaternary sediments.