Posts in the category »   «  ( 159 Posts )

  • Hokudan 2015 International Symposium on Active Faulting,12-17 January

    The Hokudan 2015 International Symposium on Active Faulting will be held from 12-17 January at Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center and Hokudan Earthquake Memorial Park in Awaji City, Awaji Island, Japan.


  • New paleoseismology papers

    Several recently published studies deal with paleoseismology and related fields, especially tsunamis and archaeoseismology.

    Do you feel some important papers are missing? Contact us and tell us! more

  • Paleoseismology sessions at the XIX INQUA 2015, Nagoya, Japan

    The EEE Metrics Project & IFG Paleoseismology and Active Tectonics will host two paleoseismology sessions at the XIX INQUA 2015 in Japan. The congress will be held in Nagoya from 27 July – 2 August. Deadline for abstract submission and travel grant application is 20 December, 2014, deadline for early bird registration is 28 February 2015. more

  • Literature news: Recent publications on paleoseismology

    Here’s my list of recent publications that deal with paleoseismology and related topics.


  • Call for papers: Special Issue on Tectonics of Oblique Plate Boundary Settings

    Our colleague Manuel Díaz-Azpiroz from Seville and his colleeagues will be guest editor of a special issue on “Tectonics of Oblique Plate Boundary Settings”, which is going to be published in Tectonophysics.

    Everyone who is interested to participate may submit a manuscript. The Special Issue aims on contributions about different aspects of the study of convergent and divergent, ancient and active oblique plate boundary systems, including analytical, numerical and analogue modelling methods, as well as field-based analyses of natural cases. Innovative approaches that exploit new analysis techniques (3D geophysical modelling, space geodesy-based kinematics, etc.) or methods combining structural geology with geophysics, petrology, geomorphology or stratigraphy are also welcomed. Through this thematic volume of Tectonophysics, the progress in the understanding of the kinematics and dynamics of oblique plate boundaries will be addressed and innovative and/or multidisciplinary research methods that provide new insights into the 3D deformation inherently linked to these systems will be promoted.


  • New papers on paleoseismology, active tectonics and tsunami research

    Several new papers deal with paleoseismology and active tectonics studies. Wiatr et al. used terrestrial LiDAR to analyse limestone bedrock scarps, Hornblow et al. investigated the Darfield earthquake source in NZ. Sarikaya et al. present new data on offset alluvial fans in Central Turkey; Xu et al. present geological data on two historical seismic events in Tibet. Tectonic morphology is used by Barcelona et al. in NW Argentina. Mathew et al. use remote sensing data to analyze coseismic deformation in China. Ed Garrett and colleagues present data on 1000 years of megathrust quakes in Chile, and Bemis et al. have an interesting article on UAVs and paleoseismology. more

  • 1st circular out now for the 6th INQUA paleoseismology workshop in Fucino, Italy, 19-24 April 2015

    The 6th INQUA workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology will be held from 19-24 April, 2015, in Pescina, Fucino Basin, Italy.

    We will remember the centenary of the 1915 M7 Fucino earthquake, that was one of the largest and most devastating earthquakes ever occurred in Central Italy.


  • Call for papers: Special Issue of the International Journal of Earth Science on Eastern Mediterranean Tectonics

    The GeoFrankfurt conference took place a few days ago. Due to the large amount of work presented on Eastern Mediterranean Tectonics, a special issue on this topic will be published in the International Journal of Earth Sciences (former Geologische Rundschau). Paris Xypolias allowed me to circulate the call for papers: more

  • 5th PATA Days in Busan, Korea, will start on Sunday

    It’s only a few days until the 5th PATA Days will start in Busan, Korea. This International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology is the first one to be held in Asia, and I am really excited. The organizers have put together an amazing program. After the icebreaker party on Sunday in the New Malden Pub we will go for a pre-meeting field trip on 22 September. Heading to Korea’s east coast, we will have a look at Quaternary terraces and nuclear power plant sites. The main part of the meeting (23rd and 24th) is dedicated to more than 25 talks on Earthquake Geology, Paleoseismology, Archeoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Seismic Hazard, flanked by poster sessions. Finally, the post-meeting field trip will lead us to active faults in SE Korea and archeoseismological sites. more

  • Upcoming tsunami conferences

    Several meetings on tsunamis will be held during the next months, make sure not to miss them. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. This event was not only one of the most deadly natural disasters that ever happened, but it also was a kind of wake-up call for tsunami science. It’s safe to say that it had an enormous impact on research funding and it is responsible for a huge increase in scientific tsunami literature. The meetings will be a good occasion to share your research. more