The first joint assembly of the Tectonic Studies Group (TSG), Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG), and British Geophysical Association (BGA) will be held at the University of Liverpool from 4-6 January, 2017. Among the many interesting sessions the following one will be of special interest for … well … us:
S.12 – Earthquakes, palaeoseismology, and rates of fault slip: from milliseconds to millions of years. The session is chaired by Laura Gregory, Ed Garett, and Luke Wedmore, deadline for abstracts is 5 November. more
Session on paleoseismology at the TSG-VMSG-BGA Joint Assembly (Liverpool, 4-6 Jan 2017)
New Latin American Association of Tectonics – 1st Symposium on Southamerican Tectonics
The Latin American Association of Tectonics has recently been founded in order “…to help the exchange of ideas and facilitate collaborations of tectonic studies in South America. The Latin American Association of Tectonics consists of researchers from universities and institutes interested in South America tectonic studies, and regarding Andean or pre-Andean tectonics.” See their website here. They organise the 1st South American Tectonic Symposium to take place from 16-20 November, 2016, in Santiago (Chile). The event will be held at the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, University of Chile in Santiago, Chile. more
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Oct 2016)
2016-10-03 | in PaperA lot of new papers have been published on paleoseismology, earthquake geology, active tectonics and tsunamis last month. We have research on slowly deforming regions, on the active tectonics of Mexico, New Zealand, Armenia, and Iran, new data from the Kumamoto earthquake, plus some marine/coastal paleoseismology and tsunami studies. Enjoy reading!
PATA Days 2017 in New Zealand – conference website online!
2016-09-29 | in New Zealand 2017, PATA daysThe official website for the PATA DAYS 2017 is online: 8th International Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, 3 – 9 April 2017, West Coast, New Zealand.
The Workshop invites presentations on:
- Large earthquakes in mountainous regions and landscape response
- Earthquake behaviour of high slip strike-slip faults
- Advances in paleoseismic techniques from high resolution topography, shallow geophysics and dating
- Archaeoseismology
- Paleoseismic contributions to seismic hazard analysis
Studies on other topics related to earthquakes geology, such as paleotsunami, coastal deformation, and seismically triggered mass movements are also welcome.
Key Dates
- December 2016: Registration and abstract submission opens
- 13 January 2017: Registration and abstract submission deadline
- 17 February 2017: 4-page papers due
See you all in New Zealand!
5th International Tsunami Field Symposium, 3-7 September 2017, Lisbon/Algarve
The 5th International Tsunami Field Symposium will be held from 3-7 September, 2017, in Lisbon, Portugal. In addition to the scientific sessions an interesting 3-days field trip will take the participants to the tsunami hot spots of the Algarve coast. Visit the official website for more information and make sure to save the date! more
PhD Position in Coastal Paleoseismology at University of Southern Mississippi
2016-09-23 | in JobsHere’s an interesting opportunity in coastal paleoseismology:
The Division of Marine Science at the University of Southern Mississippi (NASA Stennis Space Center location) invites applications for a four-year PhD position in coastal paleoseismology starting no later than August 2017. This is an NSF funded project that aims to recover stratigraphic records of past earthquakes and tsunamis along the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand. The project is part of a wider study on Hikurangi margin geodynamics, and the student will have the opportunity to attend workshops where we aim to integrate coastal paleoseismology with a wide variety of other geological and geophysical datasets. The ideal candidate will possess a skillset that includes: quantitative micropaleontology, paleoenvironmental reconstructions, sedimentology of coastal systems, and experience in adventurous fieldwork. The candidate is required to have an MSc in geology, earth sciences, marine sciences, or a closely related discipline.
New report by ISPRA et al. on field evidence of on-fault effects due to the Amatrice earthquake
2016-09-20 | in UncategorizedLead by ISPRA, scientists from Italy, UK, and Norway have conducted field surveys and remote sensing to analyse the earthquake environmental effects of the 24 August, 2016, Amatrice Earthquake. The team has produced a 31-pages report that covers mainly field work results and INSAR data on ground deformation. Great photos of the surface ruptures! more
Fault Displacement Hazards Analysis Workshop, 8-9 December 2016, USGS Campus Menlo Park, CA
This workshop was announced earlier with wrong dates! Please note that it will take place from 8-9 December, just before the AGU Fall Meeting.
Download the flyer here (PDF, 244 KB).more
Report on the coseismic effects of the 24 August 2016 Amatrice Earthquake
2016-09-16 | in Earthquake, PaperThe EMERGEO Working Group has conducted extensive field work after the 24 August 2016 Amatrice Earthquake in Italy and put together a report on the coseismic effects. The report is in English and can be downloaded from the INGV earthquake Blog here: PDF (6.1 mb)
The report includes data on environmental earthquake effects like surface ruptures, fractures, landslides, and rockfalls. More than 2400 data points have been collected.
Please cite the report as follows:
- EMERGEO Working Group (2016). The 24 August 2016 Amatrice Earthquake: Coseismic Effects. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.61568
The EMERGEO Working Group consists of Pucci S., De Martini P.M., Nappi R., Pantosti D., Civico R., Ricci T., Moro M., Cinti F., Brunori C.A., Di Naccio D., Sapia V., De Ritis R., Gori S., Falcucci E., Caciagli M., Pinzi S., Villani F., Gaudiosi G., Burrato P., Vannoli P., Kastelic V., Montone P., Carafa M., Patera A., Vallone R. (all INGV) and Saroli M., Lo Sardo L., Lancia M. (University of Cassino and southern Lazio).
Thanks to Francesca Cinti for pointing me to this!
PATA Days 2017 in New Zealand – 1st circular out now
2016-09-15 | in New Zealand 2017, PATA daysDear colleagues,
The 8th PATA Days (Int’l workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, Archaeoseismology) will be held in New Zealand from 3–9 April, 2017. The meeting will comprise scientific sessions, discussions, and a couple of very good field trips. Make sure to regularly check for updates.
Now the first circular has been published, download it here as pdf: 1st circular
See you all in New Zealand!