USGS is currently recruiting a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow for a project on Marine Geohazards of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, with three general areas of interest: the relationship of Quaternary sediment distribution and stratigraphy to seafloor processes and earthquake history; links between tectonic geomorphology, upper plate structure, and deeper subduction processes; and the influence of fluids and 3D structural interactions on the mechanics of subduction zone forearcs.
A full description of the opportunity is available here:
General information about the Mendenhall Fellowship program:
An info flyer about our Marine Geohazards project:
Potential applicants may contact Jenna Hill ( or one of the other research advisors associated with this project prior to putting together their research proposal.
USGS is currently advertising an interesting position for a paleoseismologist – permanent and full time.
Opening and closing date: 08/10/2018 to 09/10/2018 (I am not sure if that means 10 August to 10 September or 8-9 October…)
–Perform field-based paleoseismic research to characterize the chronology of past earthquakes or slip rates on faults in the greater San Andreas fault system in northern California.
–Perform geological research to characterize crustal deformation in northern California and elsewhere. more
A few weeks ago, Nadine Reitman (USGS) published an interesting paper about the use of Photogrammetry for Paleoseismic Trenching in BSSA. In this guest blog she shares her key findings and explains how to minimise errors without spending too much time measuring control points. Thanks Nadine!
Structure-from-motion (SfM) is now routinely used to construct orthophotos and high-resolution, 3D topographic models of geologic field sites. Here, we turn SfM on its side and use it to construct photomosaics and 3D models of paleoseismic trench exposures. Our results include a workflow for the semi-automated creation of seamless, high resolution photomosaics designed for rapid implementation in a field setting and a new error analysis of SfM models. more