The Tectonic Studies Group (TSG) will organise a field trip to Death Valley in April 2017. The trip will be of particular interest for those who wish to learn more about tectono-volcanic processes, tectono-sedimentary processes, and the Basin and Range/ San Andreas system.
The trip is being organised and delivered by Phil Benson & Derek Rust of the University of Portsmouth. more
The first joint assembly of the Tectonic Studies Group (TSG), Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG), and British Geophysical Association (BGA) will be held at the University of Liverpool from 4-6 January, 2017. Among the many interesting sessions the following one will be of special interest for … well … us:
S.12 – Earthquakes, palaeoseismology, and rates of fault slip: from milliseconds to millions of years. The session is chaired by Laura Gregory, Ed Garett, and Luke Wedmore, deadline for abstracts is 5 November. more