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  • PATA Days Chile 2024 – new website & deadlines

    The PATA Days are the meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology, organised within the framework of INQUA‘s TERPRO commission. The official website has been launched, containing all infos on the programme, field trips, grant applications, the venue, the abstract template, and the deadlines. Check it out:

    Abstract submission will open 4 March and the deadline for the 4-page abstracts is 29 March. No short abstracts this time.

    See you all in Chile in October!

  • Please join INQUA TERPRO to engage in the elections for the next intercongress period!

    Dear friends of earthquake geology and paleoseismology,

    Due to recent changes in General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we need to ask you to sign up again for the TERPRO mailing list online via
    INQUA is committed to the standards of the GDPR, which means that explicit consent is required to receive news and updates from TERPRO.
    By signing up you will become a member of TERPRO without any obligations, you’ll just receive news about the INQUA commission on Terrestrial Processes.

    Please note that this is necessary even if you sent an email to Daniel Krohling earlier. If you have signed up already, everything is fine. We apologise for this inconvenience.

    INQUA will very soon begin the process of calling for nominations and the election for all Commission Officers for the 2019-2023 period. In order to participate,
    you must have signed up via the website, these are the lists INQUA will use. The future direction of the Commission can only reflect the will of the community
    at large if the community is engaged and has signed up.

    Thanks for your understanding and all the best,

    Christoph, Petra & Ioannis
    (on behalf of the IFG EGSHaz:

  • New INQUA website and TERPRO online membership form

    INQUA has a wonderful new website: Most importantly, it now has a form to register with the TERPRO commission (becoming a member = subscribing to the mailing list): Becoming a member doesn’t lead to any obligations, but comes with two advantages:
    1) You will be informed about TERPRO news every now and then;
    2) You’ll have the right to vote for the new TERPRO leadership!

    There are a couple of changes ahead of us, let’s make sure the earthquake community makes itself heard. During the past years, INQUA-TERPRO has always supported our PATA Days meetings by sponsoring travel grants for
    early career researchers and researchers from developing countries. You joining TERPRO will help to continue that amazing work and to support PATA Days, ECRs & DCRs in the future. So please register!

    Thanks and see you in Thessaloniki:

  • TERPRO business meeting at the INQUA2015 congress in Nagoya

    The INQUA 2015 congress in Nagoya will not only be the place to catch up with latest science news, but also to elect new commissions and project leaders and to plan and co-ordinate the ongoing activities for the inter-congress period. Therefore, think about joining the relevant business meeting! INQUA is organized in several commissions, of which TERPRO (Terrestrial Processes) is the one which covers paleoseismology, active tectonics and tectonic geomorphology. The IFG Palacte (Int’l Focus Group Paleosesimology/active tectonics) is a sub-organization of TERPRO itself. The TERPRO Business Meeting will be held on the evening (19:00-20:30) of Tue, 28 July in room 431, and will focus on the new Commission structure and programs for the intercongress period 2015 – 2019. more