The 5th International Tsunami Field Symposium will be held from 3-7 September, 2017, in Lisbon, Portugal. In addition to the scientific sessions an interesting 3-days field trip will take the participants to the tsunami hot spots of the Algarve coast. Visit the official website for more information and make sure to save the date! more
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5th International Tsunami Field Symposium, 3-7 September 2017, Lisbon/Algarve
Version 3 of the Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI) available
2016-02-07 | in Centerfault, PaperGreat news reached us from Spain! Our colleague Julián Garcia Mayordomo spread the news that an updated version of the Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI) is now available online. QAFI has a GoogleMaps-based interface with clickable features providing loads of content on fault geometry, fault mechanism, slip-rate, historical and pre-historical seismicity, geomorphology, compilers, further references and much more. Truly a wonderful tool, congratulations!
QAFI is hosted by IGME and can be found here: more
New papers on paleoseismology, tsunami, and active tectonics (Feb 2016)
2016-02-05 | in PaperHere’s the February edition of my paper recommendations. This time we have:
- Paleoseismology in Germany and Nepal (the latter with a focus on charcoal dating techniques),
- Tsunamis in Greece, Portugal, Israel and Alaska,
- Turbidites in Portugal,
- New insights into the geodynamics of Mozambique,
- Fault rheology in Iran,
- Rupture jumps on strike‐slip faults, and
- A MATLAB tool for seismic hazard calculations.
PostDoc position in Quaternary Research/Paleoseismology, Lisboa, Portugal
2012-04-06 | in JobsA postdoctoral position is open at ICIST-IST (Institute for Structural Engineering, Territory and Construction – Instituto Superior Tècnico) under the framework of the project FINDER – Fault Investigation with LiDAR for Earthquake Reassessment, PTDC/CTE-GIX/1138662009, funded by the Portuguese National Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES). more