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  • Graduate Student/PostDoc Position available in Haifa – Integrated tsunami hazard study: Modeling and sediments

    This very interesting job offer was sent around by our colleague Beverly Goodman-Tchernov:

    Past tsunami events have impacted the Israeli coastline, and future tsunamis are anticipated.  Physical evidence exists both in historical written records and sedimentological field deposits. Incorporating physical evidence with computational modeling makes it possible to better understand the magnitude of past events and create realistic predictions for the future. The project is in collaboration with Geological Survey of Israel, Virginia Tech, IOLR, and the University of Haifa. It will use multi-sourced data to produce modeling scenarios for past tsunamis and produce a complex reference set of theoretical scenarios to be used in practical real-time hazard assessments. more

  • PhD Position in Coastal Paleoseismology at University of Southern Mississippi

    Here’s an interesting opportunity in coastal paleoseismology:

    The Division of Marine Science at the University of Southern Mississippi (NASA Stennis Space Center location) invites applications for a four-year PhD position in coastal paleoseismology starting no later than August 2017.  This is an NSF funded project that aims to recover stratigraphic records of past earthquakes and tsunamis along the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand.  The project is part of a wider study on Hikurangi margin geodynamics, and the student will have the opportunity to attend workshops where we aim to integrate coastal paleoseismology with a wide variety of other geological and geophysical datasets.  The ideal candidate will possess a skillset that includes: quantitative micropaleontology, paleoenvironmental reconstructions, sedimentology of coastal systems, and experience in adventurous fieldwork.  The candidate is required to have an MSc in geology, earth sciences, marine sciences, or a closely related discipline.


  • Open position: PostDoc on seismic hazard characterization & mitigation, Aix-en-Provence

    The CEREGE laboratory in Aix-en-Provence (France) look for a PostDoc in the field of seismic hazard and/or earthquake geology. The position is in the framework of the RISKMED OT MED funded project “ Natural risks in the Mediterranean: Hazard, vulnerability, perception and management”.

    Deadline for application is 4 July.


    • Organisation and implementation of field surveys in Italy and Turkey in collaboration with local colleagues.
    • Review and compile existing data, and acquire new data to better understand the frequency and dynamics of large earthquakes in Central Italy and western Turkey through surface observations and paleoseismological reconstruction over a range of different temporal and spatial scales.
    • Convert all data into an open database.
    • Analyze and interpret all data with respect to existing scaling laws and in terms of seismic hazard.
    • Produce with social scientists engaged in the project (geographers and psychologists) comprehensible scientific information to public and territorial managers as the basis for recommended preparedness and mitigation actions.
    • Participate to a participatory process and to focus groups concerning risk mitigation strategies (science communication, risk communication, public outreach) in targeted areas.

    See the full details here.

  • Open position: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Active Tectonics, Univ. Oxford

    The University of Oxford is looking for a PostDoc research assistant under the direction of Professor Richard Walker and Professor Philip England to work on active tectonics in China. The focus is on the Hexi corridor and the Qilian Shan of Gansu. Deadline for application is 15 July 2016.

    Tasks include:

    • Detailed mapping of palaeo-earthquake ruptures
    • Construction of slip distributions from individual earthquakes
    • Selection of sites for long-term slip-rate determination using field investigations, high-resolution satellite imagery and digital topography
    • Planning and carrying out fieldwork to verify remote-sensing observations, to collect samples for dating, and to excavate and interpret palaeo-seismic trenches

    See the full job description here.

  • Full Professor (W3) for Geodynamics in Tübingen

    Here’s another job offer that will be interesting for the active tectonics and paleoseismology community. The University of Tübingen will hire a Full Professor (W3) for Geodynamics. They are looking for someone who is familiar with “geophysical methods applied to crustal dynamics or surface processes (broadly defined), preferably with application to geologic hazards. The research focus should be on the physical analysis of Earth surface, tectonic, or climate processes and can include (but is not limited to): geodesy and active tectonics, earthquake seismology and neotectonics, mechanics of hillslopes, sediment transport and erosion, crustal or paleoclimate numerical modeling, or regional to global climate change. A combination of observational and modeling techniques at the regional scale or larger is desirable.

    Find the job offer here or download the pdf here: EOS_Ausschreibungstext_Geodynamic_v140828 (pdf, 57 KB). more

  • PhD scholarships in Geophysics at Victoria University of Wellington, NZ

    Good news for students interested in a PhD on tectonics in New Zealand: John Townend announced that several scholarships are available. Deadline for application is 1 July 2014.

    PhD students are sought to work on several seismological and geophysical topics within the Institute of Geophysics, School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). The geophysics group at Victoria University of Wellington has an established track record of research in seismology, tectonics, crustal geophysics, and structural geology. In the most recent Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) evaluation, Victoria University of Wellington was ranked first in New Zealand for research excellence and was also ranked first in New Zealand in Earth Sciences.  more

  • PhD position available at URI: Paleoseismology of the Cascadian Subduction Zone

    The Sea Level Research laboratory in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Rhode Island is looking to recruit a PhD student to work on an NSF funded project focused on paleoseismology of the Cascadia subduction zone.
    The project involves collaboration with Rutgers University, University of North Carolina Wilmington, and the United States Geological Survey. The position can start as early as September 1st 2014. more

  • PostDoc position in Quaternary Research/Paleoseismology, Lisboa, Portugal

    A postdoctoral position is open at ICIST-IST (Institute for Structural Engineering, Territory and Construction – Instituto Superior Tècnico) under the framework of the project FINDER – Fault Investigation with LiDAR for Earthquake Reassessment, PTDC/CTE-GIX/1138662009, funded by the Portuguese National Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES). more

  • PostDoc research position on Tsunami deposits, EQ Geology, Tectonics (Mexico)

    The Group on Active Tectonics (GAT) and the Environmental Geophysics University Laboratory (LUGA) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Campus Morelia seeks applicants for a Postdoctoral Research position. The candidate will pursue fundamental and applied research into either a) active tectonics and/or b) tsunami deposits and paleoseismology with focus on the Mexican Subduction Zone. The candidate will be responsible for the development and execution of field and laboratory research, and to conduct studies on the geologic signature left by great earthquakes and their tsunamis. The fields of application include earthquake hazard, tsunami hazard and long-term earthquake record of this active margin.
