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  • 1st Environmental Hazards in Asia Conference

    The first Environmental Hazards in Asia Conference will take place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from 12-15 August with a field trip from 16-20 August. This conference aims to bring together practitioners of both with a focus on the hazards across Asia. The workshop will be structured to allow exploration of the underlying physical mechanics of hazards, explore the impacts of historical events across the continent and focus on the possible approaches to minimizing future impacts. The aim is to facilitate new ideas and proposals. Funds to support travel and subsistence to up to 20 participants from across Asia are available.

    May 15th – Abstract submission deadline
    June 1st – Fieldtrip registration deadline
    July 12th – Online registration deadline

    Meeting website:


  • USGS Mendenhall Fellowship Opportunity – Cascadia Marine Geohazards

    USGS is currently recruiting a Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow for a project on Marine Geohazards of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, with three general areas of interest: the relationship of Quaternary sediment distribution and stratigraphy to seafloor processes and earthquake history; links between tectonic geomorphology, upper plate structure, and deeper subduction processes; and the influence of fluids and 3D structural interactions on the mechanics of subduction zone forearcs.

    A full description of the opportunity is available here:

    General information about the Mendenhall Fellowship program:

    An info flyer about our Marine Geohazards project:

    Potential applicants may contact Jenna Hill ( or one of the other research advisors associated with this project prior to putting together their research proposal.

  • IRSN report on the Napa Earthquake, California (M6, 2014-08-24)

    Our colleagues Stéphane Baize and Oona Scotti from the French IRSN finished a report on the 2014 Napa Earthquake: Post-seismic survey report, with special focus on surface faulting. On 24 August 2014, an earthquake of magnitude Mw6 occurred on the West Napa Fault in shallow depth. The quake caused significant damage, an interesting pattern of surface ruptures, and the immediate attention of hundreds of geologists. The primary and secondary effects were mapped only hours after the event, which turned out to be extremely important – a large amount of afterslip was recorded in the following days. The earthquake was not only recorded by a huge seismometer network, but the ground motion was also captured by GPS sensors and InSAR images. The new IRSN report is especially concerned with the surface faulting hazard, since this agency is responsible for the safety of nuclear installations in France.  more