I hope you have reserved some time for reading – here comes plenty of great new material on one of the most interesting tectonic features on earth, the Dead Sea Transform. The Israel Journal of Earth Sciences has published a special issue: The Dead Sea Rift as a natural laboratory for neotectonics and paleoseismology, Volume 58, Number 3 – 4. The papers are an outcome of the 2009 INQUA joint Israel/Jordan fieldtrip with the same name. I was lucky enough to have participated in that field trip. It was for sure one of the best field trips I ever had. more
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Israel Journal of Earth Sciences: special issue on the Dead Sea Rift
2012-05-23 | in Centerfault, Paper -
SSA meeting in San Diego (& excursion to active faults!)
2012-05-06 | in Centerfault, Meeting | 2 responsesKlaus and me went to the SSA 2012 annual meeting in San Diego in April. The conference was great and very focussed. I really like that kind of rather small meetings, where almost everything is interesting for me. I saw a lot of interesting posters and great talks and especially liked the paleoseismology and archeoseismology sessions (of course!).
3rd INQUA-IGCP 567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archeoseismology, Morelia (Mexico), 18 – 24 November 2012
The 3rd INQUA-IGCP 567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology and Archeoseismology will be held in Morelia (Mexico) from 18 – 24 November 2012. The workshop is the continuation of the BaeloClaudia2009 and Corinth2011 events. We invite all scientists in the fields of earthquake geology, paleoseismology, archeoseismology, tsunami studies, earthquake engineering, seismic hazard assessment to participate in the workshop. We will try to provide travel grants from INQUA and IGCP for young scientists. See Acambay1912.org for detailled information, registration and abstract submission.
Animation of the 2011 worldwide seismicity
2012-03-20 | in Earthquake, Japan EarthquakeA very nice animation of the 2011 worldwide seismicity for earthquakes M ≥ 4.5 in the following link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwWn_W6ZbT4&feature=youtu.be (with sound intensity for each earthquake plotted on an orthographic globe map).
Take part in an experiment: Measuring tectonically offset features
2012-03-01 | in Earthquake, Teaching | 2 responsesFolks at Arizona State University and San Diego State University are conducting a study to test the repeatability, accuracy, and precision of lateral displacement measurements derived from high-resolution topographic Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. Please take a few minutes to participate! If you have any questions about the research or would like to use the materials as a classroom exercise, please feel free to email Barrett at jbsalisb@asu.edu.
Sunday Geology Picture: Alkyonides Gulf, Greece
2011-12-18 | in Teaching, UncategorizedThis beautiful, isolated rock stands in the Alkyonides Gulf, the northwestern part of the Gulf of Corinth. It has some beautiful notches, which indicate recent uplift. It is situated right on the footwall of an active fault, which was activated during the 1981 earthquake sequence. It is not so easy to use those notches as sea level indicators or for measuring tectonic movements if both effects have to be taken into account. The fault has a huge throw and a beautiful scarp (limestone) with lots of slickensides. One of my favourite places in Greece. Well, the entire Perachora peninsula is worth a visit – an earthquake geologist’s Disney Land!
Thursday Geology Picture: Iron-nickel mine in Albania
2011-12-15 | in Teaching, UncategorizedI took this picture in an iron-nickel mine in Albania. Here we see the contact between the underlying ultramafics and the carbonates on top. The fluids circulated in the mafics and the iron-nickel ores are trapped at the lithological boundary. The ore is shiny green and occurs in hundreds of small bands in a small area along the contact only. I love this picture because the contact is so sharp. A fault zone nearby bears very beautiful conglomerates which I always wanted to have for my bathroom…
What’s up? The Friday links (17)
2011-07-22 | in Teaching, The Friday LinksThis week’s Friday links are almost entirely earthquake related.
On James’ Empty Blog you can find some scary but interesting videos from the Japan tsunami area.
The 3rd INQUA-IGCP567 international workshop on paleoseismology and archeoseismology will take place in Mexico in November 2012. It’s the 100th anniversary of the Acambay Earthquake.
Young Geologists – New Insights (1)
2011-06-21 | in TeachingIn April 2011 we started on a field trip to investigate the Padul-Nigüelas Fault Zone in Spain (+/- 37°N, 3°36°W, see map here). Like the Wednesday Centerfault (5), the PNFZ is in the Granada Basin but some 40 km ENE. Delimiting Tortonian to Quaternary basin fillings to the Sierra Nevada, the PNFZ forms hardrock scarps. more