I hope you have reserved some time for reading – here comes plenty of great new material on one of the most interesting tectonic features on earth, the Dead Sea Transform. The Israel Journal of Earth Sciences has published a special issue: The Dead Sea Rift as a natural laboratory for neotectonics and paleoseismology, Volume 58, Number 3 – 4. The papers are an outcome of the 2009 INQUA joint Israel/Jordan fieldtrip with the same name. I was lucky enough to have participated in that field trip. It was for sure one of the best field trips I ever had.
Here’s the content of the Special Issue. If you can’t access the Journal, think about dropping a mail to the author. The bold ones are those who especially focus on paleoseismology/archeoseismology…
- Raphael Freund 1933-1980, 137 – 137, Geoff King, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.137 (This one’s free!)
- Introduction: The Dead Sea Rift as a natural laboratory for neotectonics and paleoseismology, 139 – 145, Amotz Agnon, Rivka Amit, Susan Hough, Alessandro Maria Michetti, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.139 (This one’s free!)
- Results of geophysical studies across the Dead Sea Transform: The Arava/Araba Valley and the Dead Sea Basin, 147 – 161, Michael Weber, Zusanna Alasonati-Tašárová, Khalil Abu-Ayyash, Zvi Ben-Avraham, Sungchan Choi, Jaser Darwish, Radwan El-Kelani, Zvi Garfunkel, H.-J. Götze, Gottfried Grünthal, Abraham Hofstetter, Dagmar Kesten, James Mechie, Uwe Meyer, Ayman Mohsen, Marco Paschke, Alexei Petrunin, Trond Ryberg, Stefan V. Sobolev, Manfred Stiller, the DESERT and DESIRE Groups, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.147
- Subsurface geology of the southern Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Dead Sea Transform – Evidence from seismic reflection data, 163 – 175, Yuval Ben-Gai, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.163
- Waveform moment tensor inversion of earthquakes in Israel and adjacent regions, 177 – 192, Nadezda Kraeva, Abraham Hofstetter, Tatiana Meirova, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.177
- Geodetic study of crustal deformation across the Dead Sea Fault system in the Jordan Gorge area, Northern Israel, 193 – 201, Gilad Even-Tzur and Yariv Hamiel, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.193
- Convergent strike-slip across the Dead Sea Fault in northern Israel, imaged by high-resolution seismic reflection data, 203 – 216, Ram Weinberger, Uri Schattner, Benjamin Medvedev, Uri Frieslander, Amihai Sneh, Yehudit Harlavan, Michael R. Gross, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.203
- The long- and short-term lateral slip and seismicity along the Dead Sea Transform: An interim evaluation, 217 – 235, Zvi Garfunkel, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.217
- Chronometry of paleo-earthquakes in the late Quaternary Dead Sea basin, 237 – 255, Mordechai Stein, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.237
- Dating speleoseismites near the Dead Sea Transform and the Carmel Fault: Clues to coupling of a plate boundary and its branch, 257 – 273, Yael Braun, Elisa Kagan, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Avner Ayalon, Amotz Agnon, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.257
- Quaternary earthquakes and landslides in the Sea of Galilee area, the Dead Sea Transform: Paleoseismic analysis and implication to the current hazard, 275 – 294, Oded Katz, Rivka Amit, Gony Yagoda-Biran, Yossef H. Hatzor, Naomi Porat, Benjamin Medvedev, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.275
- The 1170 and 1202 CE Dead Sea Rift earthquakes and long-term magnitude distribution of the Dead Sea Fault Zone, 295 – 308, Susan E. Hough and Ron Avni, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.295
- Sensitivity of earthquake-toppled columns to small changes in ground motion and geometry, 309 – 326, Klaus-G. Hinzen, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.309
- A critical evaluation of tsunami records reported for the Levant Coast from the second millennium BCE to the present, 327 – 354, Amos Salamon, Thomas Rockwell, Emanuela Guidoboni, Alberto Comastri, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.2-3.327 (This one’s free!)
- Late Holocene events that shaped the shoreline at the northern Gulf of Aqaba recorded by a buried fossil reef, 355 – 368, Yonathan Shaked, Boaz Lazar, Shmuel Marco, Mordechai Stein, Amotz Agnon, DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3-4.355
Here are some pics from the field trip:
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