Three papers published recently caught my eyes. First, Andrej Gosar investigated the earthquake environmental effects (EEEs) of the 12 April 1998 Mw =5.6 Krn Mountains earthquake, Slovenia. The quake measured VII-VIII on the EMS-98 scale, and Andrej found that the intensities reached the same values on the ESI2007 scale. He reports that the intensity distributions for both scales are comparable, but show some differences due to the sparsely populated epicentral area. The research concentrated on rockfalls for EEE determination. It’s a nice example that also moderate events can be characterized using the ESI2007 scale.
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Three new papers: paleotsunamis, neotectonics in Greece; ESI2007 in Slovenia
2012-06-06 | in Paper -
Public version of the EEE Catalogue online!
2011-07-21 | in, TeachingThe public version of the EEE Catalogue, a global catalogue of environmental effects induced by modern, historical and paleoearthquakes, is available at This public version has been developed on Google Earth and aims at providing basic information at earthquake, locality and site level, including the rupture zones (when available) and the local description of environmental effects, integrated by some imagery (photographs, stratigraphic logs, etc.). more