Posts in the category »   «  ( 286 Posts )

  • Special Issue “Geology and Archaeology of Earthquakes” in Cuaternario y Geomorfología

    A special issue on “Geology and Archaeology of Earthquakes” has currently been published in Cuaternario y Geomorfología (Quaternary and Geomoprhology, ISSN: 0214-1744), which is the official journal of the Spanish Quaternary Union (AEQUA) and the Spanish Geomorphological Society (SEG): Vol 27, No 3-4 (2013) – Geología y Arqueología de Terremotos. The issue includes an introduction and ten research papers on earthquake geology and archaeoseismology of the Iberian Peninsula. Most papers are in English, few in Spanish. more

  • New issue of SRL with lots of paleo- and archeoseismology papers

    The new issue of Seismological Research Letters has been published now and it contains a lot of articles for those liking old earthquakes. Some topics might sound familiar to you when you attended the PATA days conference as the authors presented parts of their work.

    I have selected a few papers that are especially interesting to the paleoseismology community. They are about the use of Google StreetView for assessing macroseismic damage (Hinzen, 2013), archeoseismology in the Levant (Alfonsi et al. 2013), Earthquake rotated objects caused by the Emilia Romana earthquake – a fascinating EAE! (Cucci and Tertoulliani, 2013), a strong historical earthquake in Italy that likely did not happen at all (Camassi and Castelli, 2013) and new data on historical earthquakes in the Himalayan (Rajendran et al, 2013). Also, I added a paper on archaeoseismological investigations in northern Sicily that was published recently in Quaternary International (Bottari et al, 2013). Spend the rainy autumn evenings with a good read!


  • Spanish kids learn about archaeoseismology in Baelo Claudia

    This is a nice and short video performed by 9-10 year old kids and conducted by two teachers of the School “Escuelas Francesas” located at Sevilla (Spain), and in collaboration with our Spanish colleagues Miguel, Jorge and Pablo. The kids read about our work on earthquake effects on archaeological sites and they have reproduced in a easy way the main EAEs in the Roman buildings of Baelo Claudia: the aqueduct, the drop of the key stone in arches and oriented fallen columns. (EAE: Earthquake Archaeological Effect; see Rodríguez-Pacua et al., 2011). more