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  • Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science Session at AGU

    Our colleague Jessica Pilarczyk will chair an Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science Session at the AGU Fall Meeting:

    Dear members,

    We invite you to submit an abstract to the session, “Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science” at the Fall 2018 American Geophysical Union Meeting, to be held in Washington DC 10-14 December. The session is a continuation of the interdisciplinary tsunami sessions that have been held the past two fall meetings. We hope that you can contribute with abstracts to this session. The session description is below.

    The deadline to submit an abstract is 1 August 2018, 11:59 P.M. EDT/3:59 +1 GMT.

    The URL’s for the session and the abstract submission for this session are:

    Jessica Pilarczyk

    Finn Løvholt

    Kelly Stroker

    Stefano Lorito


    NH021: Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science

    Session ID: 46945

    Tsunamis are one of the most devastating natural disasters, with the potential for inflicting huge damage along wide stretches of coastal areas. Recent tsunami events have demonstrated that the tsunami risk has grown tremendously since the last ocean-wide tsunami of 1964, primarily due to the expansion of coastal development and the maritime communities. Tsunami science has become one of the most inter-disciplinary research areas. Social science, applied mathematics, engineering, and geology are as important to tsunami research as traditional seismology and oceanography. This session provides a broad forum for cross-disciplinary studies and invites contributions from all areas of tsunami science including: fundamental and basic research; forecast and warning procedures for current and future events; investigation of geologic records and hindcasting of past events; response, mitigation, and recovery strategies; tsunami observations; socio-economic impacts; and hazard and risk studies from tsunamis generated by earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, meteorological phenomena, and meteorite impacts.

  • AGU Session on Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science

    Our colleague Jessica Pilarczyk send us the following message regarding an AGU session on Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science:

    Dear members,

    We invite you to submit an abstract to the session, “Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science” at the Fall 2017 American Geophysical Union Meeting, to be held in New Orleans 11-15 December. The session description is below. The deadline to submit an abstract is 2 August 23:59 EST/04:59 +1 GMT.

    The URL for the abstract submission for this session is:

    Bruce Jaffe

    Jessica Pilarczyk

    Rick Wilson

    Finn Løvholt


  • AGU2017 session on earthquake ruptures

    The following AGU session is of potential interest to the paleoseismology community:

    Earthquake Rupture Processes, Confronting Field Observations and Models (25767)

    Session Description

    In recent years, combined progresses in our understanding of earthquake mechanics and computation capabilities have allowed to develop numerical models that address earthquake mechanics at a variety of scales, from fault segmentation to co-seismic off-fault damage.

    These theoretical progresses can potentially suggest new observations that can be tested by field or geodetic studies. In parallel, innovative technics in earthquake geology and active tectonics have allowed for a significant improvement in our capacity of detailed observation of earthquake ruptures. Hence, it is time to confront high-resolution observations with numerical and theoretical models to test these models and see in which direction observation should go. We welcome contribution testing earthquake mechanic models based on observational data (geodesy, field data…) as well as contribution suggesting new potential field observation, based on theoretical or numerical developments.

    Primary Convener:  Yann Klinger, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France 
    Convener:  Marion Thomas, University of Oxford, UK
  • Fault Displacement Hazards Workshop, Dec 8-9th, 2016 (and AGU Fall meeting session)

    Dear Colleagues,

    We would like to bring your attention to a workshop we are organizing on the topic of Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis (FDHA). The Workshop will be held December 8-9th at the U.S. Geological Survey Campus in Menlo Park, CA, and is timed to be the Thursday and Friday before the 2016 AGU Fall meeting so that international participants can plan to attend both the Workshop and AGU the following week.

    Workshop themes will include: more

  • Session at AGU 2012 about “Controls on Seismicity and Fault Rupture in Intraplate Regions”

    Angela Landgraf (Uni Potsdam), Simon Kübler (LMU Munich), Seth Stein (NW University, IL) and myself would like to draw your attention to our session about “Controls on Seismicity and Fault Rupture in Low-Strain Intraplate Regions” (T010) at the 2012 AGU Fall Meeting 2012 (3 – 7 Dec). We are looking for a variety of contributions from intraplate regions that have experienced earthquakes during Quaternary times and hope for good and interesting discussions with you during the meeting. The submission deadline is quite soon, at 8 August 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.

    Looking forward to see many of you there – Angela, Simon, Seth and Esther more

  • AGU2011 Tohoku earthquake session on video

    A small comfort for all those who have missed the AGU2011 fall meeting (and so did I) might be that some sessions are now available on video for free. The AGU session on demand page has lots of videos, among them four sessions on the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. So if you’re ready for ~8 hrs of earthquake talks, you should definitely have a look.
