Dear colleagues and friends,
thank you very much for making the PATA Days 2013 such a great event! I hope you all had a safe trip back home or some more nice days with better weather. The abstract volume of the PATA Days is now available online. Currently, you can only download the entire volume, we will upload the single files into a sub-directory later.
Abstract volume Pata Days 2013: download more
Dear friends and colleagues,
it’s only few days to go until the PATA Days conference will start with the icebreaker party at the Kuckucksnest in Aachen! We have more than 100 registered participants and we are looking forward an exciting meeting. If you attend the first two days 9-10 October, don’t forget to book a hotel in Aachen on your own, it’s time now.
You don’t have a hotel yet? Check out this pdf: Hotels and Travel.
Dear colleagues,
the 4th International INQUA meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA days) will take place from 9 – 15 October, 2013 in Aachen, Germany. Deadline for registration and abstract submission is (4 pages extended abstracts) 15 July 2013.
We invite you to register and submit extended abstracts to the following sessions: more