RAS/COMET Discussion Meeting to celebrate the career of Professor Barry Parsons

Oxford, EarthScience Department South Parks Road, Oxford

The work of Barry Parsons (Professor of Geodesy and Geophysics, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford) has centred upon the applications of geodesy and geodynamics to understanding the thermal and mechanical behaviour of the earth, earthquakes and tectonics. Over the course of his career, Barry has been behind scientific advances in at least three areas: marine geophysics, mantle convection and continental tectonics, and his observations, physical models, and insights have been used by researchers all over the world. To […]


6th Int’l Colloquium Historical earthquakes & paleoseismology, 24-26 Oct, 2018, Han-sur-Lesse (BEL)

Han-sur-Lesse Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium

The colloquium is the 6th of a series that began in 2013 in Paris with the colloquium “Macroseismicity: sharing and use of historical data”. The main topics are: historical earthquakes, macroseismology, archeoseismology, paleoseismology, earthquake catalogues and databases, active faults, seismotectonics, neotectonics, and their contribution to the knowledge of seismic hazard and a better understanding of the long term seismic activity. A specific session will be devoted to earthquake effects in caves. Confirmed Invited Keynote Lectures: Aurélia Hubert-Ferrari (Université de Liège): […]


Chilean Geologic Congress, 18-23 November, 2018, Concepción

Concepción Concepción, Chile

The Chilean Geologic Congress will be held this year in Concepción, CHile, from 18-23 November. If you are interested in Andean neotectonics, paleoseismology and recent earthquakes, there is a thematic area with lots of specific session: http://congresogeologicochileno.cl/en/e2-5-sint-seismotectonics-neotectonics-and-recent-earthquakes/ Abstract deadline is June 1st.

Conference “30 years after Spitak Earthquake: Experience and Perspectives”, 3-7 Dec, 2018, Yerevan

Yerevan Yerevan, Armenia

The 1988 Spitak Earthquake with a magnitude of MS6.8 took the life of thousands of people and caused widespread devastation in Armenia. It also ruptured the surface and is one of the best-studied seismic events in the entire Caucasus region. 30 years after the catastrophe, an conference will be held in Yerevan, Armenia, from 3-7 December: “30 years after Spitak Earthquake: Experience and Perspectives“. The meeting will also include a field trip to the epicentral area. Full conference fee is […]

Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting, 14-16 Jan 2019, Bergen, Norway

University of Bergen , Norway

The Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting 2019 will be held in Bergen, Norway, on January 14th-16th 2019, with optional short-courses on January 13th. The meeting will be hosted at the University of Bergen (http://www.uib.no/en/geo).

Teaching Structural Geology and Tectonics in the 21st century

Near Vienna , Austria

How to define a successful SG&T curriculum and what are essential components thereof? How to best deal with a constrained BSc curriculum (what content goes where)? How to work with very large class sizes, how to counter low levels of student engagement and how to manage a lack of (numerical) background knowledge? How to build links to different geosciences disciplines? Innovative approaches to teaching structural geology and tectonics and how to best integrate modern teaching techniques (e.g. flipped classrooms, virtual […]