Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg Hellbrunnerstraße 34, Salzburg, Austria

12th PATA Days

Los Andes Los Andes, Chile

The 12th international PATA Days will be held in Los Andes, Chile, 6-11 October, 2024. PATA stands for Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, Archaeoseismology and it is the main activity of the paleoseismology community within INQUA’s TERPRO commission.

PATA Days 2026 Guatemala

Antigua Guatemala Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala

The 2026 PATA Days will be held in Guatemala from 30 January - 6 February to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the catastrophic 1976 earthquake. During the conference, the participants will be able to see the fault Motagua zone and paleoseismological trenches during field trips. Organisers: Tina Niemi, Christoph Grützner, Omar Flores, Carlos Pérez, Jonathan Obrist Farner