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International Workshop on “Active tectonics and dating”
9 June, 2020 - 11 June, 2020
The magnitude and rate of damaging earthquakes that occur along well-characterized active fault systems are fundamental information in seismic hazard assessment. This is particularly true in slow deforming areas of continental interiors where the return times of most earthquakes are typically longer than the time-window covered by historical chronicles. The present-day fault slip rates in these regions are rarely resolved, making the evaluation of the seismo-tectonic activity very challenging.
In this context, the characterization and absolute dating of the Quaternary markers (landforms and/or stratigraphical units) offset by or sealing tectonic structures are critical. Hence, this workshop will cover:
- The techniques and latest improvements of fault activity dating methods to resolve neo-tectonic and paleo-seismological issues,
- Specific applications of Quaternary dating methodologies to the characterization of the tectonic activity and past earthquake surface rupture history,
- and, in the context of slow-deforming regions, a half-day session will be dedicated to the advance of the French active fault working groups, one year after the launch of the “Failles actives in France” (FACT) action, and in the light of the questions raised after the surface rupturing event of November 11th 2019, at Le Teil in the Rhone River Valley.
This international workshop is organized in the framework of the Seismic Ground Motion Assessment project SIGMA-2 (www.sigma-2.net) and of the action (FACT) of the French seismological and geodetic network RESIF (https://www.resif.fr/?lang=en).
It will be held in the northern French Alps, in Praz-sur-Arly, from June 9 – 11 2020, and it will include a one-day field trip in the Aiguille rouge massif to visit active fault scarps.
Potential attendants should contact Julia Biaggi (julia-externe.biaggi@edf.fr) and
Kevin Manchuel (kevin.manchuel@edf.fr) for constituting a mailing list for future information.
Next step
2nd circular (in the course of February) with:
- details of the thematic sessions and invited talks
- practical information (accommodation, venue, arrival/departure, …)
- link to dedicated website for registration and payment
Download the circular here. (PDF, 528 KB)